More breath of the wild but didn't like super grab me, will update this if I ever return to it or finish it.

2500 hours so I'm still a scrub, but basically. This game is great and insanely deep in how varied characters are and the ever changing landscape of items abilities and even the map layout. I would not recommend this to anyone but I will say it's one of the best games that I despise playing. It's 50% the community being toxic and 50% no surrender button honestly since you end up stuck in unwinnable games and tensions just get higher over the match til no one wants to be there.

Game made me cry like at least 3 times so that's a recommendation from me. The battle system is simple but very fun to get good at. The story is what you come to it for though and it delivers 100%.

Definitely worthwhile to run through at least for one ending, ended up pulling an all nighter on my ng+ ng++ runs. Gameplay is fast and satisfying while not being too difficult or easy at least until ng++ but that's gonna be mastery and better parts. If you like actions games or mechs or mech action games it's definitely worth checking out.

Get better so you can go faster so you can drive more so you can get better so you can go faster so you can ... also vr makes this shit so good.

A great evolution of the monster hunter series that still sits above rise in my opinion since it has just way more environmental thought and ecosystem design. Outside of navigating the forest map every area is unique and fresh and has lots of cool things going on that are unique to them and that make it feel like an actual place these critters can roam. Combat is great as always and but monster balance is kindof a mess in base world due to lack of elemental variety in the large monsters.

A real classic and totally a comfort game to go back to when i need a chill out rpg. Has some great romhacks now if you need more challenge or variety so take a look at those too.

Stellar game that falters in a few places and I feel has like 1 main tone and that is one of sadness. There's moments of levity but I feel like they just leave you waiting for the other shoe to drop more often than not. Gameplay is fantastic but obviously brutal and harrowing, and has plenty of variety. I just wish a few moments had been written differently but that's just my feelings on things and not a mark against the game.