14 Reviews liked by Falconstan

This review was sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends

Personally speaking, THIS is the game Yo-kai Watch 2 should've been from the start.

Not only does it do away with the dual-release format, it also adds a boatload more content onto an already content-packed game.

With this game, the postgame is pretty much endless as you have access to a lot of quests that you don't know where to begin. You can go to Gera Gera Land and have a wondrous time. You can uncover the past of characters like Darknyan, Dame Dedtime, and even Whisper. You can even fight secret bosses along the way.

That's not all, the underwhelming Blasters mode has been updated to Psychic Blasters, containing even more Super Bosses than before. It also becomes more accommodated for the lone player, meaning it's possible to stick it to the Big Boss even when you're alone.

However, the RNG, inconsistent designs, and other miscellaneous problems still persist, but I could be less than bothered by them here.

Overall, a fantastic time, flaws and all. Would highly recommend.

Hey Sonic, on a scale of one to ten, how much effort did Sega put into managing this game?
"Hahaha, one!"


delete your account if you don't agree

I can’t believe they actually made sports boring in real life AND in video games too! 😱

Genuinely unplayable.

The music was kinda fire though.

The fucking crunchy 8 bit cheering sound effect omg 😭😭😭

Let’s just say if I were Chris Pratt I would not want to spend hours of my life stomping…. KOOPAS, in the original Mario Bros arcade game



It got good when I actually found out how to use the fucking A button 💀

Everything the New Super Mario Bros games should have been