"Devil May Cry's a Rockin, don't come a knockin baby yeah!"

So for a long time this was my favourite game ever and was the start of my solidification into a hardcore Capcom fan which has continued to this day. When this came out I was around 18 and a friend had bought it. We played it together and seeing a leather clad biker girl smash through a bar, a gothic castle and uppercutting a marionette with a sword then juggling it with dual wielding pistols was, at the time, the coolest thing ever. I knew this game inside and out speed running it, learning every move, or collecting over a million red orbs because I could. One weekend when I had the house to myself that same friend came and stayed over playing all night by setting up two PlayStation 2's next to two TVs so we could both play Devil May Cry on our own saves hunting S ranks until we had every one on every difficulty level including Dante Must Die. I loved it.

The thing is I'd never played a game like this before. It's roots starting as Resident Evil 4 before changing into it's own series are pretty evident in aspects of it's design. The gothic horror atmosphere slightly underlining it's occasionally camp and over the top exterior gelled for an extremely unique experience. I've seen a lot of reviews on here being pretty negative about it and you know what? I get it, I do. The static camera angle and controls built around it for people who having not played it during that era wouldn't care for or have the patience to learn would feel dated. The thing is though, the game is built around it fundamentally when you learn how to use it on it's terms. Enemies even off screen give audio attack cues, the controls are built around directions and angles in relation to the camera but are also designed for angle changes when you know how. It's a clever game for it's time and the mixture of basic exploration, puzzles and scattered battle arenas was just a fun mix as the game understands the importance of downtime.

It's also an impressive looking and sounding game. Remember this came out only a year after the PS2 launch and has these large levels, detailed character and enemy models and insane boss fights in which each feels like a real event to behold. I love the enemy designs such as shadow cats that launch spikes, incorporeal grim reapers and giant lava spiders. Though the boss fights do repeat they are such big spectacles and some of the hardest challenges in the game with some insane music. Speaking of which whilst the later soundtracks went a lot more metal with vocal tracks the original game has this mixture of gothic haunting melodies that could easily be in a horror game to sort of electronic rock tracks and just stands out a lot more from it's later sequels due to it.

Coming back to this in 2012 for the remaster and all the trophies then playing it again now and I still love it. Yes it's terribly cheesy with laughable lip synching, yes it's fixed camera can make the action feel unwieldly and yes it's probably one of those games you had to be there for....

....but it's the best Devil May Cry game though.

+ Horror and action roots mixed.
+ Combat and boss battles are exciting.
+ Great music and visuals.
+ Sometimes funny, sometimes intentionally.

- Fixed camera angle can take getting used to.

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2024


1 month ago

"....but it's the best Devil May Cry game though."

tell em

1 month ago

Yeah, DMC1 has a great vibe to it, definitely my favorite out of the entries I played. Ambient music was nice.

Thoughts on the Nelo Angelo fights? I found them to be really hard when I played it.
@lemonstrade same (I've only played 1 and 2)

1 month ago

@Lemonstrade - Same for me first time but like any boss once you can read his moves, to dodge or parry his swings then role and stinger etc. he is fine. It's just learning his pattern S ranking his final fight on Dante Must Die mode was insanely hard though. You basically have to take no damage. Learn when his swords will drop for you to stay still or dodge etc.

I loved it.

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 - I haven't played 5 yet I must admit. I like 3's combat the best but that's also when they take the fun but serious feelings of this game into pure cringe which never sat well with me.
Interesting, I did play a tiny bit of 3 and the cutscenes were pretty fun. Tho I also really like bayonetta 1 too (more than dmc1 and 2) so I'll probably end up liking 3 more lol

1 month ago

This comment was deleted

1 month ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 - I love the art and combat of Bayonetta but despise the cutscenes. Based on this you'll like DMC3 lol

1 month ago


Sure. Nothing beats the original.

1 month ago

Haven’t even read yet but opening on the DMD ending quote is enough to get a like from me

1 month ago

> it's the best Devil May Cry game though
Finally a true person of culture
This will also always be my favourite entry, it's so different from the rest and yet it's so damn good to play

1 month ago

@Lemonstrade I like to use the ifrit gloves on nero angelo. Especially in the last fight they are very effective when coupled with the gernadegun. Plus the flames look cool as hell when the lightning strikes

1 month ago

It says you played on ps2 but version did you play? As in, what region? The US version totally messes with the difficulty and it remaps the controls to have jump on triangle and attack on cross. I don't know about the PAL version in that regard but there you'd have to deal with 50hz. The game has problems with gsm so it probably can't be forced to 60hz. Granted, any of these would be greatly preferable to the hd version, but if you've been playing the us version I'd recommend switching to the Japanese one if you plan on playing Dante must die again. I can't imagine it with the balancing of the us version

1 month ago

@HylianBran - I dug out my PS2 with my old save in this case just to play through so it's UK PAL.

1 month ago

@FallenGrace oh yuck yuck. Actually that sounds like it could make the game a lot easier come to think of it...

1 month ago

Ill die on this hill: give Dante a real goddamn jump. Why does this man drop like hes made of fucking lead and iridium. You fall like 12 feed down for every one foot forward and its unacceptable.

1 month ago

@_YALP - So it's not the jump, it's the fall (Never noticed or had an issue XD)

1 month ago

Jumping is my single issue voting, all games should have a jump button, Devil May Cry? How about Devil My Fly (off the ground)

1 month ago

We fly high
No lie
You know this