A delicate balancing act that's best enjoyed when you don't look at it from too close.

Setting aside the purely cosmetic use of time-travel, Life is Strange is just very weak as a human drama.

Welles had a point when he said that a movie's message could be inscribed on a napkin. Though that doesn't excuse The New Colossus, which proves incapable of solving the most obvious of equation :

To relate the sacred body of Blazkowicz to the Nazi Übermensch, and then interrogate this troubling connection.

Do not let the sanctified inner monologues and nice camera work fool you ; B.J. Blazkowicz is an empty shell.

This is vampirism at its most vulgar ; verbose and flat.

Neverending nihilism that fails to elicit any sort of emotional reaction, in other words ; hardcore without the edge.


Let's run a bad faith comparison just for the sake of the argument :

Diminish the admittedly inferior combat of Dark Souls and you still have a hell of a world - or half of it.
On the other hand, scrap Nioh's delicious skirmishes and you end up with, well, nothing.

At times, it rivals Resident Evil 4. Emphasis on "At times".

Thrilling until it's not anymore.

Stare at MK-Ultra conspiracies long enough and you will start to believe them yourself.

A brief comment not on the game itself, but on the cover's composition.

It's great. The image alone makes me want to play it again right this instant.

Everything you've heard about No Man's Sky is true. The colonial fantasy, the Chris Foss wallpaper generator, the neverending game within a game. Setting all this aside, though, No Man's Sky hinted at something monumental in its dedication to terrain generation :

That meaning may be found in every polygon of a planet if space itself became the language.