Mid but still fun if you are a P3 fan.

This game is just as good as Paper Mario TTYD. Sure it isn't exactly the same since it's missing the qol changes from the sequel, but come on it's the first game. I would argue without a super dodge it makes it more challenging. The game oozes charm with it's characters, music, and story. If you have access to emulation, definitely play this game with the HD texture pack using the Virtual Console version. It makes the game look more modern and enhances the experience.
There's a reason why this game and TTYD are so beloved.

Really cool and breathtaking game on the go. It does feel less polished compared to the console games but it's humor and crazyness you come to expect with Uncharted is still here. Such a shame that Sony won't be doing these kind of games anymore.

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I wish I could like this game as much as everyone did but I personally found Big Shell to be a very boring setting. I really liked the story but it really went off the deep end towards the climax and was throwing so many psychology and philosophical concepts back to back that it was kinda overwhelming. The concepts were cool but the issue at least for me was that it was rapidly fired and I didn't have much time to process what the story was trying to tell me lol. I don't know how to feel to be honest. I definitely relate to Raiden not knowing what the hell is going on lmfao. The characters were cool and had a good OST. I would have rated this 4/5 but I feel like I made a mistake in playing this game on Vita. Equipping guns with the touchscreen was a mistake and made some boss fights really annoying (Vamp, RAYs). I definitely shot myself in the foot. Definitely a unique experience and hopefully I have a much better time on MGS3!

I was able to complete the whole pokedex in the game and got the true ending. It was a fun experience. I remember I was shitting on this game before release, and who can blame me it looks like dogshit when compared to other open world games on the same system. (Looks at Xenoblade) Anyways, I didn't let my first impression get the better of me and decided to play it anyway to see if there is anything to salvage.

Turns out there's actually quite a lot. The new catching system is pretty good I would say. Being able to just catch Pokemon without initiating a fight is really awesome and saves so much time compared to a traditional game. There is the minor issue of some things in the overworld having janky hitboxes around objects that stop the pokeballs when thrown. It is also kind of easy to overlevel in this game since the exp share is still there. I am not really in the camp that loathes exp share as it makes Pokemon less grindy. The least they can do is account for it and give less exp or something idk. SMT V (Great game btw) kinda does this really well and that has shared exp. Hoping they fix it in the future.
The battle system is almost the same as traditional games but with a slight twist. Agile and Heavy styles influence the new turn order system and either makes it more likelier to act more times with the downside of lowering your power/effects or act less with the benefit of getting boosted accuracy/power/effects. This is cool, but it really sucks that they removed abilities. Without them the battle system becomes less strategic. Game Freak can probably improve upon it in future games with other things to do if they want to do that. A cool idea I was thinking of when doing battles with wild pokemon was maybe having the trainer try to avoid other Pokemon's attacks while your Pokemon is busy fighting the other. Kinda like TWEWY. You CAN move around but it serves no purpose which is why I brought up that idea. Wasted potential imo.

The music is so good. Does a better job than Zelda BOTW that's for sure. It fits thematically AND sounds awesome. Doesn't get annoying at all when you are out and about in the open fields exploring and looking for Pokemon. But then again when does Game Freak make bad music lol.
This game is unique in the sense that it gives you this feeling of wonder and is the closest the series has ever been in being similar to the anime. I've always liked the anime's sense of adventure that has Ash and co. just walk through so much to reach the next town. In the OG games it never felt that way to me since the routes end pretty fast and are only a few screens away. There can be some improving in locations of interest and whatnot to reward you for veering off the main path. Game Freak should definitely tap into this as it is a thing only Pokemon can do. Sooooo close.

The Pokedex is changed to account for everything this game offers but it can be a bit annoying at times. I like that there is alternatives to just catching Pokemon. You can battle them and knock them out with certain moves, use or see certain moves from the Pokemon, give them food, etc. What is not fun is when some Pokemon are stuck behind Spatial Distortions and you have to complete the Pokedex to get the postgame ending. I don't know why, but it seems that the more I played the game, the less and less frequent the spatial distortions were becoming. By the end of the game, I was legit waiting for 5 hours for a distortion to appear to catch a mf'ing Cranidos and was basically doing nothing in-game. Awful. I eventually caught it but sheesh. Nothing more awful than artificially prolonging a game for no reason.

You'll love this game for sure if you like the lore throughout the series. I was somewhat surprised at the fact that in this world the concept of death exists and the characters bring it up once in a while that playing with Pokemon ain't sunshine and rainbows all the time. (Death?? In MY POKEMON? It's more likely than you think.) Sure, they implied death through Pokedex entries like with most ghost Pokemon like Drifloon or Dusknoir but never outright stated by the characters in the games. Makes Pokemon seem more dangerous than they appear and gives the Mon in Pokemon more sense. The story is definitely a step in the right direction since it has its unexpected twists which is rare for Pokemon. Story has never been the focus with the exceptions of BW and the series' spinoffs. The final battle that you get for completing the main story was kinda lame and anticlimactic, but oh boy does that change for the postgame's final battle. I won't spoil anything but I know this has to be one of the best final battles in the series.

All in all, it was a very fun game. Like I said, if you are a fan of the Pokemon lore, definitely try this game. If you aren't a fan of open-world this game won't really do much unless you are an avid Pokemon fan. I really hope this game becomes the base for future games in the series or at least make a separate series because I want to see more and see its full potential. Just some stuff they have to polish and Game Freak will be able to compete with the big Nintendo hitters in terms of quality. No more will people say "This feels more of the same".

A little better, but man has Wayforward lost their touch. New Game + is non-existent and boring. I have played through Pirate's Curse, Half-Genie Hero, and this one in that order and I can tell you, the only one that's worth it is Pirate's Curse.

The speed challenges are the best part of the game. They really nailed the sense of speed in those types of races. Another thing I really liked was how tuning your car actually made a difference here and can be the deciding factor in you winning or losing. Unfortunately I cannot say the same thing for everything else. No free roam, no cops, almost no customization. The controls could have been better if they were going to solely focus on legal street racing. Environments and tracks are super repetitive and uninspired.

I played through this via the Z/ZX Collection. Fun game with the checkpoints and being able to jump back in whenever you die especially against the bosses. The whole thing with levels being erased only happens with no save-assist I believe and this is an instance where you need to play this with it to enjoy it. Only issue I found is how you have to grind abilities/upgrades by slowly killing enemies in the same spot over and over to grind crystals for stuff like extra tanks and running faster. Pretty lame.

Fun metroidvania. Feels like a mix of Metroid and Contra. Cool music and weapons. Easy to get lost and most of where my game time went. Story is decent and most bosses don't really have a strategy, just shoot and kill them before they kill you. Bad final boss especially on hard lol. Took a couple of tries but eventually managed to beat him. Nowhere to dodge with infinite spawning enemies. You will get hit and you have to hope you pick up health and kill him before you die.

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Beats 1 and 2's gameplay easily. I had so much fun with all the possible team combinations and how easily every party member can do anything. I can't say the same with the story. It was very disappointing after what the other 2 games were setting up. The environments in my opinion were also bland compared to the previous entries. Mostly deserts and familiar biomes. They didn't even get the cool ones either it's just green plain area, ice area, water area, etc. Music was alright, less songs that stuck. I guess they were going for an atmospheric feel. Characters are great, there was a lot of good moments and their connections felt real. 8/10

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Fun game and a good time in short bursts. The controls sometimes felt like there was input lag and has gotten me killed. Idk whats wrong with them. Graphics are pretty impressive for a PSP game. Later on there is a difficulty spike. I died a few times against Luna and had to keep doing the 3 minigame bs before actually getting a rematch and it was the most boring and annoying shit ever. A checkpoint would have been nice. Otto was pretty ruthless. I was emulating the final part of the game with a Dualsense so I had more control and still died until I realized you can crouch his wave beams. If you tried doing this on a PSP I am pretty sure you will get misinputs pretty frequently and get you killed. I was able to map L and R as one single button so it helped a lot. All in all, a good time regardless as a fan of the series, but not so much if this is your first rodeo. Play any of the trilogy for a better experience.

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I definitely preferred Sly 1 and it's platformer focused gameplay but I still gave this game a try. The main attraction are the heists, which have you prepping for each one by doing a variety of tasks. Gone is the collect-a-thon gameplay and instead replaced with mission based objectives that vary based on the character you use. (This game did it better than Jak 2 thank god) I would say the quality for some of the heists are usually consistent and make at least a little sense. (Yes I know, looking for sense in a videogame inspired by Saturday morning cartoon shows.) But where I finally had an issue was Bison's 2nd area. This one felt pointless since the heist doesn't even feel important and feels padded on since the whole point is to compete against Bison in his competition. Not only that, you fail anyway and have to fight him. What was the point lmao. It just feels like the game is on break or something until Sly and co. lose the Clockwerk parts where the story gets a little serious again. Tho at this point the missions for the heists do start feeling a little repetitive gameplay wise. Whatever, enough about that.
The story is neat not really anything crazy. The main trio characters are an upgrade over the 1st game since your partners feel like actual partners since you work together. They have more life put into them and cared about them by the end. (Poor Bentley)
The stealth can be improved. It usually is optional unless a mission demands it. (It's a heist, duh) It was fun for the first couple of worlds but became repetitive quick. The only incentive to sneak around and steal money or treasures is for more money. That money can buy abilities and only abilities, nothing else. Half of them are useless and just made me stop trying to stealth by the end since there isn't anything to collect besides the bottles for more abilities. (Yay...)
Uhhhhhhh that's honestly all I have to say. Usually with these "reviews" of mine I just point out some improvements, differences, and stuff I didn't like . The less complaints, the better the game and score. All in all, charming game, good characters, decent enough story but repetitive gameplay loop outside the heists.

It was ok, The only good thing was more context in what happened with Zack. Gameplay got repetitive quick. That's honestly all I have to say tbh.