13 reviews liked by FeverSpeed

this is a rating for backloggd user "compostcomeforth"

nothing but heat
nothing but fire
its gonna be peakpeakpeakpeakpeakgoatgoatgoatgoat

it would still be the best arena shooter even if it was just the announcer saying "orbb" and nothing more

Pretty good, but some of the last galaxies (Dreadnought, Melty Molten) can be really frustrating. Aaaand the camera can be REALLY nauseating in certain galaxies, too - more specifically the ones where you can walk around a whole planet. These would have really benefited from a behind-Mario camera angle rather than a "ceiling" one.

Genuinely cannot emphasize more how genius the water chip quest is, you're given damn near 0 info and sent out into the wasteland with a note and a time limit. Sure you have the entire world to explore but there's a constant deadline breathing down your neck. You can't really just faff about until you feel like doing the main quest, you have to actively be asking questions while also exploring knowing that everything you're doing is in service of this purpose. Genuinely one of the few games I've played that gave me that feeling. Exploration and sidequests not being distractions from the main quest rather, a means to accomplish them. It's a sick game with a cool atmosphere and surprisingly stellar voice acting and I love how you can complete the last few dungeons fully pacifist but man those first few hours were good.

Damn I might be crpgpilled now...

One part scathing histrionic takedown of the beloved Anas platyrhynchos, one part genre innovator that challenges the preconceptions of what it means to be a "rouge-like indie game."

I was immediately gumbersmucked by the title screen backing track, a haunting declaration of the core themes the game will confidently tackle throughout its ~10 hour runtime.

While drawing from other popular rogue-likes the level of choice at every intersection is staggering! Do I burn the trees? Eat them? Chop them down for some wood? The choice is yours. Here's the catch: the same answers will almost never lead to the exact same results. If try to burn those trees again they may get the jump on you and attack!

This brings me to the combat. All I can say is wow what a doozy. Simple on the surface but bonecrushing and strategic when you get to the meat and potatoes of it all. Borrowing from the obscure cult-like wonder RPG known as Earthbound the game implements a rolling HP meter. Well... not quite, in fact it's nothing like that, quite the opposite. Using items that restore more HP (such as Feastables sponsored by the internet superstar Mr. Beast) than your limit will actually allow it to overflow and increase your max health. Now that's what I call ingenuity!

Multiple endings aren't new in the realm of video games but the method at which Bird Quest handles them is absolutely masterful. Bird Quest asks the tough questions: do you TRULY understand yourself? Do you understand BIRDS? Personally I decided to align myself with Bird as I empathized with his plight. Little did I know I would be attacked by an opposing faction championing ideals such as law and rules. Zionism? Not on their watch. I wiped the floor with those vermin as me and Bird danced on their graves and stirred up chaos in their wake.

The Phoenix Rises

The Persona 5 of the Volcanic Bird series

Horrible sequel to DK ‘94 that loses all the charm and introduces awful level gimmicks that make it a complete frustrating slog to get through. Insane that they’re choosing to remake this cuz I refuse to believe anyone ever liked this game to begin with.

i lost my streak. fuck NY times.