Oddly enough, I enjoyed this game more then Rift Apart.
Framerate really is the only drawback to what is a really fun game. Has some neat ideas in a pretty short package, it's a 4 to 6 hour experience playing through it once.

No other word describes this better then boring. Boring main character, story, movement and even the hacking is just so dull when it's the selling point of the game.

Unless you love the Ubisoft model of games, skip at all costs

They certainly didn't revamp the series with this one, It plays like any other Ratchet and Clank game. It looks fantastic and plays great but something is just missing. Something about how the story is presented and just the overall presentation feels a bit off for me.

It lacks that balance of sillyness and action that the first games nailed so magnificently.

Had a blast as I did with the original Spider-Man game from Insomniac, a strong continuation of the story and gameplay elements. The combat is still excellent and honestly gets more fun the more powerful you get.

Game flies by, feels like there is so much to do but took me 19 or so hours to beat 100%

This game still slaps, had a real good time with it. Story was actually better then I remembered and kept me interested throughout.

This is as close you're going to get to a proper pirate adventure game, it has a lot of great elements that make it stand out. The loop of completing tasks, gaining more money, stronger weapons and upgrading your ship is excellent. Slowly taking over the map and getting rid of all enemy factions is another satisfying process which will take awhile. Something as simple as sailing the open seas, listening to your crew belt out various songs gives this game such character and atmosphere,

It still has some of the failings of the AC franchise however, melee combat is very simplistic and doesn't ever really challenge you. It's fun to take down endless amount of enemies with various moves but it does get tedious after a while, especially when you get stronger weapons. Still find the tailing missions not that fun, and they haven't changed that much since the first AC from 2007. Also did not enjoy the diving sections, found the swimming controls very off putting and it just made them very annoying to play through.

Ship combat is a blast (no pun intended), as it is chaotic and tense at times, especially if you risk taking on ships that are much more powerful than you for higher rewards. Swinging your way onto enemy ships, killing and looting is just such a thrill.

Highly recommend this game even if it has some of that AC jank that has stuck around for so many games. It's still a great package that offers a lot of exhilarating gameplay.

How do you spend 11 years developing a "quadruple A" pirate game with no melee combat?

This game pales in comparison to Sands of Time in almost every way. It's praised for better combat which in fairness, has more variety and you can't just spam the same move over and over to beat every enemy like SOT.

But the story is just lacking. You can understand the Prince is desperate to solve his dilemma but the tonal shift in his character and aesthetic make it hard to get behind him. Kaileena is given barely any screen time to actually develop her character or her relationship with the Prince, that for some reason turns romantic during the good ending.

The constant going back through the same areas again and again feels very tedious in the last hour or two. And the lack of any proper puzzles is just such an odd choice when it made some of the finest areas in SOT.

This certainly isn't a timeless classic but a solid action game that has good first half but lackluster second half.

I just finished this game in one sitting for the millionth time. Sands of Time has a wonderful soul that Warrior Within lacks big time. An absolute timeless classic.

Thankfully we'll always have this version if the remake ends up being trash.

Solid game. Focuses more on the pure chaos of the series and less on the puzzle solving and platforming. If you love this series for the chaos and gunplay then try this out.

Sea of Stars is a charming and fun RPG that is a solid tribute to the games that clearly inspired it like Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG.

It has a solid but simple combat system, some great music and exploring the world created was a pleasing experience.

The game is let down by a lackluster story that never really got me engaged in the way I was expecting. It has some classic RPG story tropes but some don't feel earned.

If you're a fan of classic turn-based RPGs I'd definitely give this a try.

Felt a bit short but overall a good game. Takes elements from Dark Souls & God of War and puts a good spin on it. Best single player SW game since Force Unleashed.

This has been my go to game if I just want to relax after a long day. A real somber experience with the way it challenges death and reflecting on your life choices. I took great pleasure in all of the exploration, collecting, cooking, character interactions and keeping everyone happy. Although I will say some characters were a lot more interesting then others.

It's fine. If you could block in some way that would add a lot to the combat but honestly it's decent a time, not really invested to finish it though.

Never played a Hitman game before but I have enjoyed this one to the max. Brilliant level design with a lot of room for creativity and experimentation.

The new Freelance mode is also terrific fun, really challenges you in different ways and forces you to think on your feet. Highly recommended.

Excellent party game with a buddy or a group of friends. Challenges you in fun ways and requires constant communication and proper planning, but it stays fun even when things go wrong!