Critical mode is the bomb, it's made a brilliant game even better and less of a mindless hack and slash.

As I've gotten older my investment in the story has diminished quite a lot. However what makes this game so good is simply the combat, exploring levels, and collecting everything in sight.

The camera is at it's worst in this one but thankfully it's improved massively in future titles.

Great combat, fun movement and a convoluted story. This is Kingdom Hearts to a tee.

Seen a few dicussions about this being the worst KH game but that is impossible when Chain of Memories exists.

This game was in that era of games from late 2000s to early 2010s where it plays great but is has a ugly greyish, brownish colour palette. It get's old after awhile.

But still I liked a lot about this game. The power progression from minimal to this ultra powered eletric god is, no pun inteded, an absolute blast.

Story is pretty standard but does have some nice twists but doesn't change all that much if you go the good or evil route. Very enjoyable, looking forward to getting to the sequel eventually.

A classic of the PS1 era. If you want an easy platinum on PS4 then play it there, don't even need to 100% complete the game it's that easy.

With the potential this had it's absolutely amazing how badly they missed the mark with this game in almost every way. Be smarter than me and save your money from this horrendous experience.

Every AAA developer take note, this is how you make a game. Released without any major issues and gives you 40-50 hours of fun. Loved this one just as much as GOW from 2018, almost went by too quick.

Nostalgia overload. Playing these games for the first time in 20+ years with my niece and nephew and had a very good time, this is honestly such a great way for kids to get into gaming if they are interested. Doesn't require you to be exceedingly good at the game, just have to think logically and you'll progress.

They don't make them like they used to.


I was worried this game would get old fast but it was anything but that. This game is just non-stop fun and every time you die or even finish a run, you feel like you've made progress. Combat is so much fun and every weapon forces you to adjust slightly with the way you play.

The music kicks ass, voice acting is solid and the art style is just delightful. Highly recommended to anyone wanting to try a rougelike, it doesn't get much better than this.

It's great fun and although it plays a lot more "modern" an not as chaotic as the first two, it offers some really fun set pieces. I like the change of setting but the story is weaker and not as gripping.

Overall a solid and entertaining action game.

This game makes you want more because it's just so good. The combat is much improved, the story continues to be captivating, and it just looks much better. Amazing the improvement in such a short time between the two games.

Just wish it was a slightly longer experience.

This game is a masterpiece in storytelling, to this day it's still one of the most engaging stories told in not just video games but in just fictional media in general.

The gunplay is still solid fun, albeit slightly frustrating at times. The PC version is so much better in almost every way, so if you want to play this game, play the PC version. Or wait for the touted remake.

I LOVE this game. Shame it's not been re-released in any way since it's initial release. A fun game which most LOTR fans would have a good time with.

A solid RPG all around. The Tales of series is always quite solid in terms of gameplay and world building. Story was decent, nothing mindblowing. But I certainly had a great time doing almost everything the game had to offer.

This game is perfect playing through it the one time. I tried doing a new game plus but the desire just wasn't there to do it.

This game is fantastic in almost every way, save a few glitches while climbing the colossi. Especially the final one as it was very janky.

It looks great, plays better then the original release and is just a really well told story.