remember enjoying it, it falling into the backlog, finishing almost a year later and I only had a like 2 hours left smh

man this really is the best one, sorry 3

skins slap, game doesn't

"You didn't know struggle until you're starved enough for Spidey games and you buy this"

Yea we got burned with that E3 demo, but playing this for the first time felt next-gen still. Played this one heavily cause the gameplay premise is soooo good. Respect the look into the hacker underworld especially after 2.

Short but lovable, can't wait what's in store for 2. Also valuable lesson in not buying the next gen version until you get a console. Shoutout Playstation game share.


Loved playing this one, proper sequel vibes. Expands on the original's ideas, lets you run wild. San Fran is a fantastic contrast to Chicago. May be annoying but I liked the character's pluckiness. I miss Marcus man. Peak of the franchise without question.

Happily 100%ed and one of my first gaming deep dives for it. Awesome expansion of the first, perfect sequel taking advantage of its second chance. Talking characters was a huge deal.

The Flash + open-world = god-mode

Trades the series focus on spectacle for a extremely strong story. Y'know they used to build the story around the setpieces before? The difference is recognizable during the tone, and its an adjustment if you're expecting something like the trilogy. Took me a while to get around to it, but the ending is truly a satisfying one.

Graphically the game equivalent to Avatar. An argument can be made its the best looking Playstation game. Truly astounding to experience the first time.

Bonus: the 2nd game I ever pre-ordered, it delivered. Also, the result of a gaming binge!

Really appreciate this game for what it was tryna do. Grateful it exists. Awesome character interactions.

don't judge me

Perfect afternoon plati--experience.

Wow. Really gotta play the second one.

I tried going for the trophy man but fuck that

Really fun on Kinect, a workout and fun battles, fairly responsive. Only option for Avengers games during the peak of the first movie's hype. Great selection of characters from all Marvel teams. Great Secret Invasion inspired storyline which I have a bias towards. Fond relic of the time.