(I'm counting this as all Minecraft versions, because it was the first one I played) It's minecraft, its one of the best games ever, It's not perfect, and it doens't have a story, but I love it. Though this game sorta has an ending, most don't finish the game by killing the ender dragon. I decided to mark it as retired because i didn't finish when i killed the ender dragon.

I liked this game a lot, the combat and the traversal is a lot better than the first one, but the story is lacking a bit..

Not as good as the first one because it simply wasn't as long, but definitely still good.

I loved this game at the time, this is my favorite version of Peter Parker as portrayed on screen, was the reason I got the PS4, but I know it's not perfect.

I love this game, my first Soulsborne game, and the first game on the PS5, and was my only choice to play when i got the PS5 and it was amazing.

It's a good or even great game, but I can't ever play it for very long, it doesn't ever hold my interest for too long.

I love this game, why the fuck was is stopped.

I love this game, it's so nostalgic, the best one ever, I swear to god, love this mother fucker.

Not great, nowhere near the first one, it's just so ok, don't love it. Mid as fuck.

I was so hyped for this game and was somewhat disappointed, it's still good, but it's not as good as it could've been, was somewhat boring. still liked it though

Better than the second one, loved this game at the time, it was very fun.

This game is ok, i guess i like it, played it a while ago, was an alright time.

got this game when I was in 1st grade for my ps3 on my b-day, I remember it being fun.

game had potential and I could see someone having a lot of fun with this but it wasn't my favorite

The most fun while playing with my mom, for sure had a good time. Like this game enough, but it's not brilliant