Remedy's connected universe continues to deliver high marks in story, supernatural world building, and overall quality. The environment design and lighting, mixed with a terrifyingly immersive soundscape, also put your brain right into the scene.

You're strung along a twisting helix of a narrative that is as unpredictable as it is wholly unique. This universe plays by it's own rules. And your coming along for the ride right with the characters.

Similar to Control, the narrative pull is so good that some of the more gamey aspects of the… game… feel superfluous. Like collectables feeding into weapon upgrades. But the flashlight beam led exploration and scavenging for ammo feed into the fear and narrative so well.

This is also the scariest game I’ve ever played. So many sections I actively dreaded going forward because the sights, sounds, and fog created this perfect anxiety effect while trudging towards the next horrors.

While I liked certain chapter's sense of tension and thrills, the constant full-screen flashing pop-up jump scare after jump scare of other chapters were unenjoyable. Scary stuff happening in the scene was good, a full-screen flashing video playing at random times as a cheap jump scare on the other hand, eh.

Definitely took me a few hours spread over many short sessions to finally get into the rhythm with this game. But after that initial uncertainty, there was such a unique story and experience that it was hard to put down.

Reviewed on Dec 25, 2023
