League of legends is a trash game. Unbalanced systems, teammates that question your entire sanity and a learning curve that puts school to shame but..

I always keep coming back for more. I've been playing this game for more than 10 years. There is some weird satisfaction that injects your body with dopamine by getting that kill, or that dragon, or by watching the hard earned victory screen after shitting on your opponents to oblivion.

This is a game better suited to be played with a full team, especially 5 friends trying to improve and get better. If you have a life, playing for fun is nice as well but you have to find 4 other poor souls that are involved with this garbage.

All in all, no regrets

A nice addition to the Metroid franchise and one of my favorites on the 3ds. Great exploration, nice music and visuals.
There was some boss repetition and linearity in the stages.

Great Transition from the SNES series into the next-gen. Zero gameplay especially is very enjoyable.
Voice acting though is complete trash

Open World Masterclass