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>girl who tries to kill me tells him, "Hey, the next time you see me, I might kill you."
>a day or two later
>see same girl outside my window
>run outside
>get stabbed

what did i do wrong, bros?

good for the first 10-15 hours of it but when you finally get a family going, theres really nothing much to dobut check in once in a while

...hopes for a sequel with updates soon on the switch, mayhaps

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holy peak

copying from my status but game genuniely made me feel uncomfortable, like when keiichi kills "teppei" and when he attempts to dig him up with ooishi and the others around. honestly change of ooishi personality from the other chapters really told me something is unusual and unnerving here, along with that satoko head pat scene where she has a breakdown. and the exploration of keiichi's psyche through to killing teppei to him acknowledging the curse he can put on others was pretty great as well. my favourite chapter so far honestly.

...of course, the SoL is still abominally paced but i thought it was fine until the baseball part and irie's initial introduction. irie was plausible but i just feel some other ways about his character. the scene with him and keiichi at satoko's house was alright writing for him.

also like how in the afterparty they say meakashi is coming up next and then himatsubushi happens.

the game is nice to have but its rather lacking where you see there's only 48 songs to play through compared to the others, especially with the gumi cameos which open up a lot more possibilities for songs, i thought there would be more. a wonderful cat's life, brain fluid explosion girl, poster girls prank (unlikely), luvoratory (more unlikely). hell, even solo songs (VERY unlikely) like panda hero or echo.

this game does have good music features for the 48 that are avaliabe like invisible by kemu, skeleton orchestra and lilia by tohma, matryoshka by the fanTASTIC hachi, hello planet, 12 fanclub, electric love, kimi no taion and more im not gonna mention.

the gameplay is reactive, works pretty well, plays pretty well. very simple rhythm gameplay that works for the 3ds and for a good time.
although with super hard difficulty songs like invisible and matryoshka, it is so painful to play them on 3ds. i had to do it on the 2ds and i feel like i felt the carpal tunnel syndrome of a thousand project mirai players.

it's a good treat and looks hella cute, but it becomes a bit lacking and charm wears off after a while. play rhythm heaven

update: giving it a 3 instead of 2.5 because it has puyo puyo

funny to see so many people who aren't even the main demographic for this game in the comment sections giving it a 0.5 (although the game will try to appeal to you vanilia folks at some points? it's not a good attempt in most places)

also funny to see delusional people give it a five out of five star rating when there's clearly areas of the game that are just dogwater (rika and natsuki's route, certain plot twists, and the sex scenes will just last too fucking long sometimes)

all i'm saying is, it's fine for what it is. at the most it's a decent, middle of the road, h-game visual novel with some entertaining scenes and dialogue, and (eventually) good development of characters if it's outside of rika and natsuki's routes. plus, you gotta appreciate the damn good voice acting while you're at it, they really give it their all for this vn.

that's all i have to say on this vn, reader! you should read this too! atleast it's not the horrid hentai adaptation which focuses more on the sex and ryona and totally doesn't cut out parts of the story in exchange to ham fistrape it all into twenty minutes, right? RIGHT?


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a well needed break from the formula the first three chapters took.
as a bonus story, it's pretty good with the interesting new protag asakuma and all that ooishi screentime, which i love since ooishi is my favourite so far.
although rika didnt get as much screentime and exploration into her character as i thought (aside from the tips, which are also the best so far) it still provides some information about her clairvoyance, showing that all of the murders were scripted.
also that ending was pretty great, seeing ooishi and asakuma want to search for the truth, it really gets me pumped for the anwser arcs. also that little nod to keiichi's letter in chapter 1 with the "please find the truth" message is nice. the shorter writing helps this chapter a lot more too.

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i also feel some strong feels about this chapter, i'll say the beginning (up to when the club members all have their heads together) and the end (rika and keiichi talking about past chapters to the schizophrenics fighting on the roof scene) are exceptional. especially the ending, it just felt so fantastical and cheesy but it left such a warm feeling in my heart. a fight scene i actually liked? nice one, ryukishi.

i just felt the middle was a bit... blah compared to the rest. i think there's some good moments (i'm done with this world's rena) but they kinda falter compared to the other parts i mentioned. also why does the ANSWER ARC leave me with more QUESTIONS, RYUKISHI? WHY DOES RIKA HAVE THAT SYRINGE? WHAT EVEN IS MIYO?
(i know it'll be explained in some other chapter but eh)

i thought the theme about rena's family was very interesting as well, especially with what rina attempted to do and the aftermath of rena's dad and her but that got disregarded so that rena can sperg about aliens and maggots i guess. it does tie into the mental illness theme, and i think it's portrayed pretty well with rena's paranoia, her distorted thinking about miyo's scrapbooks and how it affected ooishi (shoutouts to the goat character) and straight up bizarreness at moments. the rena pov did kinda wear off me hours in but i like how the text goes from a very light pink to red through the chapter, nice touch.

also, the plot twist about keiichi shooting children with bb guns made me laugh because it reminded me of a 4chan greentext where a guy goes out at night and just fights highschoolers and homeless people for fun. atleast he's fucking great in this chapter. the moment where he confesses that to the club members and talks to mion about rena's theories actually made me a bit embarassed for thinking rena was right about secrets and the theories. this also leads into how tsumihoroboshi is the only instance of a "the power of friendship" trope i like

how do you have such wild case quality? how do you have both the worst and best case in the series all in this case?

these first four episodes are an almost fascinating exploration of hinamizawa and the mysteries surrounding it. it's a great atmospheric horror experience, especially in chapters like onikakushi and tatarigoroshi. tatarigoroshi had me getting out of my seat at points lol
the breakdown of the characters in each of these arcs are pretty well done, mostly. even in wataganashi, one of the weaker arcs, there's atleast some good growth of mion and the responsiblies she holds as part of one of the three families.
but, i'll be honest, the writing isnt entirely perfect in this. wataganashi had me yelling at keiichi and mion for being such downer bitches and tatarigoroshi has abysmal SoL scenes that drag on. but honestly, it's a good read if you're looking for a nice mystery novel figuring our what is done by humans and what is supernatural.

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now THIS is more like it. so many characters like lambda, erika, the metaworld demons, little or big, they've had their times to shine in this chapter a lot, and also giving light to more background of the witches in general.

the love trial was kind of a drag though, even though it was linked with the twilights, therefore was still nessasary for the story but eh

i would fall down with my ass up for barok von zieks

ryukishi forcibly drags me through the mind of a batshit schizophrenic character and it's so appalling to watch, absolutely devastating read

love how this chapter is able to make watanagashi slightly more better too and all the character growth it attempted as well. great start for the answer arcs that really gets me hooked on what the next parts hold in store

i love the slow burn this chapter went for, pretty alright introduction to the series.