4 reviews liked by Fresh_Burek

game was an extraordinarily average time-waster until the last third of the "story" mode where the only way to win is to make your car perform worse on purpose and i honestly think that says everything about the game's quality

im the world's 25693th best cuphead player

(review made as of August 28th, 2021. My opinion may change through balance patches and DLC)

Guilty Gear Strive has gorgeous presentation (except for the UI), the netcode is fantastic, the beefed up roman cancels and wallbreak mechanics are really nice additions, and its incredibly accessible to newcomers to the genre.

However, in my opinion, the game is accessible to it's detriment. Limited movesets and restrictive combo routes make the game lack depth and player expression, which is a shocker for the flagship anime fighter series.

It's cool that this entry is getting people into Guilty Gear, and I hope future balance patches may sway my opinion. But for now, I don't see Strive having any longevity for me.

A very worthy successor to the non-linear Castlevania styles. Fans of the series will feel right at home, but it's not alienating to newcomers.
I was also shocked with a name like "Ritual of the Night", that the game takes more inspiration from the Sorrow games. It gives the game that extra bit of unique identity.