A Mega Man Game Boy game that actually holds up? It only took four tries but we finally have a portable entry which holds up with the NES titles. Still has some shortcomings just due to Game Boy screen size, but still really good for what it is

Probably the worst DKC game but still really solid. Some things really dumb in retrospect, such as how often you can save the game and how arbitrarily placed a lot of the secrets are. On the plus side, there’s no extra levels hidden behind 100% completion in this one and modern day ports/emulation fix the save issue by letting players save state after every level, so maybe it’s not all bad.

Mega Man IV was when they finally figured out how to make Mega Man work on Game Boy and they went absolutely wild in this one. Notable by not only being the best GB Mega Man game to play, but even more so due to it being the only GB title to create original bosses instead of just taking them from the NES games. If you’re going to play any of the Game Boy entries, play this and IV.

I can only imagine living in 1997 and thinking to myself “man, what if I could play a Castlevania game in which the main character feels like they’re trudging through molasses?” Got so bored I quit

Truly unremarkable in every aspect, which is just what I’d expect from a licensed game based on the critical and commercial failure Quest for Camelot. The gameplay is just a poor man’s Zelda and doesn’t even feel good to play, story is told in massive text dumps, every enemy I found in the first hour all felt basically the same, the music is all bland and super repetitive, etc etc… This is a game that simply would be lost to time (and for good reason) except for the fact that it inexplicably showed up early on in the lifespan of the Nintendo Switch Online list of Game Boy games.

Gayest lawyers I’ve ever seen