Good story bogged down by writing that could only be described as "pretentiously hipster" and characters that are only likeable at times when they choose to be. Max is easy to empathize with as a character but the townsfolk are generally just obnoxious. I'd consider the game overhated for the amount of flak it gets overall but it's far from a masterpiece either.

I definitely can't say that I think this game needed to exist at all. Painfully mediocre and characters are generally unlikable, even as someone who likes Chloe.

Convinced me to try drugs for the massive stat bonuses IRL

loses an entire letter grade due to the gacha mechanic required to get every unique camp item for 100% honestly

Honestly holds up well if you can make it past the pretty garbage tutorial and the unappealing visuals. Only real complaint is the difficulty falls apart even on legendary once you can establish a good early game and refine your formulas.

Fun story and strangely nostalgic in spite of never having played it before last year, but also incredibly tedious and sloggish. Everything is so s l o w. Solid JRPG but somewhat hard to sit through.


Do not ask the white boy for Steam recommendations

I understand why people love this game, and I definitely enjoyed it, but it definitely fails to hide its age especially when put up against modern RPGs. The writing holds up incredibly well in the traditional Atlus fashion but the combat and dungeon aspects, from the actual dungeon exploration to the boss fights, are pretty bland and tedious. Tremendously carried by the VN aspects of the game, which of course are fantastic.

revisited this game to attempt the challenge stages and fill out some 100%s in my backlog and the game holds up well honestly

but in the challenge mode stages i found that android hell is incredibly real

honestly drawn to life clears this baby game

Though the circumstances around this game dev team are inconclusive, it's sincerely tragic that this game has been (probably) abandoned. It's a really cool project with a visible amount of passion put into it, built on the foundation of a very engaging gameplay loop. The writing is incredibly sincere and character connections feel real, to some degree. There was a massive amount of potential here. It's unavailable to purchase on Steam so if you ever get a chance to play it through "other means" I would highly recommend it. Even if you purchase a key for it on a third party website I would say it's well worth the asking price in its currently unfinished state, the first campaign is really good and the sandbox has plenty of content. I got an easy fifty hours just achievement hunting out of it.

Honestly kind of an underappreciated title. I think it really holds up against what GTA was at the time and was a genuinely engaging experience front to back. The ending was kinda mid but it's pretty tragic it never got a sequel of any kind.

The DLC was pretty garbage though.

released in 2019 but feels and looks like a game from an early 2010s flash website (in a good way)

if i had to pick something to say it would be that the challenges sure were challenging