This game is hard for me to rank. It rides on its charm. it's impossible to deny, this game is absurdly cute, and it's hard to not have a smile when blasting through it.
This is not much of a game though, the main attraction is great cave offensive, but it's the only one that's over an hour long. Basically all of these games range between 2-20 minutes long. Never enough time to really explore themselves outside of Milky Way Wishes, which is also quite fun.
this is also a Kirby game, which means it's brain dead easy, I did this entire game during two long car rides and died maybe 3 times? Not once in the arena either. It certainly isn't a brain teaser by any means.
Like every Kirby game its carried on it's charm and it's carried quite a lot, but it's also very fun to play. Each copy ability has plenty to stand out and changes the pace just enough, my favorites this time being wing and it's break neck speed and super fun controls. As well as yoyo and plasma for their battle powers. This game also has the tag team option which is a fun gimmick.

Hey uh, what's with the racist boss by the way why does no one ever talk about that, and it's where master hand comes from?? WTH?

Reviewed on Aug 24, 2023


9 months ago

yeah lol i was surprised about the racism too. they changed it in the remake tho

2 months ago

It's called Great Cave Offensive for a reason laughs tracks

you probably spend more than 20 minutes on that cave as a kid... idk haven't counted. It drags more in co-op though