Adios 2021

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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 20, 2023

Platforms Played


Pretty good! It is a pretty short game, most people finishing it in around 40 mins to an hour, I finished it in around an hour and 30 because I was messing around the place a bit

The story is definitely a highlight and maybe I was just a little slow to catch on, but the ending was quite unexpected, but in a good way. (I'm being vague about it to avoid spoilers, however there are already a couple Backloggd reviews on here that aren't tagged, so be weary of that I guess). This just gives the game a replayability factor of at least one more playthrough once you understand what's going on

I've seen some people on here describe this game as a walking sim, and they're kinda right? But not entirely... In terms of walking sims, it's more akin to something like Firewatch and less like Gone Home or Edith Finch. Like in Firewatch, you get to play through these "scenarios" where a majority of the gameplay really just consists of listening to two people talk to each other, there are a couple mini games sprinkled here and there, but overall, its very light on gameplay

In terms of gameplay, the most fun I had was trying to break some of the scenarios by screwing around and clipping into things. The funniest instance was when I was able to get on top of the dude's car while he was having a serious conversation with the farmer (the player)

There's really not much else to say tbh. The writing and voice acting are pretty stellar, but this game really could have used more memorable music. That's probably the only thing it was lacking-- experience-wise, anyway. Graphics were okay too

Overall, I'd say its well made, but just "okay" in the grand scheme of games similar to this. Still enjoyed it tho! I guess final thoughts are that this game is ridiculously easy to 100%. I don't even care about achievements all too much, but I got a good bulk of it in my first playthrough so I'd say go for this one, achievement hunters!