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1 day

Last played

April 4, 2023

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It’s difficult to describe how disappointed I am with Road 96 Mile 0. It is uninspired, uninteresting, and constantly pushing dialogue about authoritarianism and misinformation without ever actually saying anything about it. While I enjoyed seeming more of the old characters like Sonya, all the new characters, including the other protagonist Kaito, are badly written and impossible to care about. The musical skateboarding sections are a joke, and some of the most unpleasant and unresponsive controls I’ve felt in years. While both the score and licensed music tracks are phenomenal, it does little to offset the subpar voice acting and wildly inaccurate animations. Road 96 was a masterclass in storytelling, proving that procedurally generated stories can create a personal, compelling narrative for each unique player. All Mile 0 has proved is that lightning doesn’t strike twice.

Full review: https://gameluster.com/review-road-96-mile-0-a-road-with-no-direction/