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This game has a one of a kind visual style that is a joy to look at, on top of that the music is absolutely incredible and some of the tracks never fail to make me emotional. And of course the story has a very bittersweet feeling that interested me the whole way through.

This game has eaten up so many hours of my life. Probably the game I've replayed most, and for good reason. It's movement is so good and even after hundreds of hours I'm still barely considered "good" at the game. Once you've played the game alot you can beat the campaign in as little as an hour (not counting the final level lol). Also the game has stunning visuals and music that makes replaying it all the more enjoyable.

While the new super Mario bros series isn't bad by any means, its incredibly refreshing to see a 2d Mario game that's just oozing with creativity again. The wonder flower shakes up the game and stops it from feeling to repetitive and the visuals are wonderful. I hope Nintendo learns from this game and treats 2d Mario with the same love that they do for 3d Mario.