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Gavitro played Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers
I'm not going to pretend this game is perfect. The unlockables could be handled better, the long tutorial is proof that there's too many gameplay mechanics to keep track of, and the controls feel just a bit slower than SRB2 Kart.
But not all of the games that I've scored 5 stars are perfect. As a fan of Sonic and kart racers, this the most personal game of my entire life, and I doubt any future game will get me as excited again.

3 days ago

3 days ago

Gavitro completed Grey Matter
"O, Merciful Bullet" is among my top three Danny Baranowsky songs. That, combined with the game's simple yet fun mechanics, make for a firm entry on my "short but sweet" list.

11 days ago

Gavitro completed Meat Boy
...well it sure isn't Super Meat Boy.

11 days ago

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