I'm not going to pretend this game is perfect. The unlockables could be handled better, the long tutorial is proof that there's too many gameplay mechanics to keep track of, and the controls feel just a bit slower than SRB2 Kart.
But not all of the games that I've scored 5 stars are perfect. As a fan of Sonic and kart racers, this the most personal game of my entire life, and I doubt any future game will get me as excited again.

"O, Merciful Bullet" is among my top three Danny Baranowsky songs. That, combined with the game's simple yet fun mechanics, make for a firm entry on my "short but sweet" list.

...well it sure isn't Super Meat Boy.

Oniksiya Sofinikum‘s cosplay of Shahdee is one of the best things to ever be posted on the internet. Just saying.

A whole bunch of interesting ideas which are unconventional for the Source Engine, stuck in a game that is frustrating beyond belief.
Walking through the dream sequence every time I spawned made me want to gouge my eyes out. The sprint meter made me want to gouge my eyes out. The huge maps which would make Hunt Down the Freeman blush made me want to gouge my eyes out. Hacking made me want to gouge my eyes out. That entire final mission made me want to gouge my fucking eyes out.

I can't believe that this very polished fangame celebrating Hololive, made by the same developers as Holocure, actually managed to include Houshou Marine this time. She's just a cameo, but it's better than nothing.
Beat-em-up games are not my specialty, so I don't find this quite as addicting as Holocure, but I respect the effort.

"It's no wonder that the developers have quickly built onto the formula with sequels."
Oh, wait... this is basically the same game but with slightly more interesting levels and a proper ending...
Maybe Toree Saturn will be the installment that's actually good.

The only thing holding this back from 5 stars is the lack of unique level intros for The Noise, as much as the developers tried to make up for it with the randomized faces.
Besides that, my expectations were exceeded. Good shit.

This game is so forgettable that I neglected to post a Backloggd review of it until now, over 3 years after I played it.

This is light on content, but damn if it isn't fun to move around and reach areas that you shouldn't be able to with hidden tech.
If such abilities were to be combined with the grand scale of Banjo-Tooie, that might just produce the best metroidvania since Hollow Knight.

I appreciate this game's existence as the last straw to convince people that Fandom is an irredeemable wiki host.

Kate Green is so fucking hot. Her tight red dress with the high leg slit keeps me invested in every cutscene that she's in. More of the world should acknowledge her magnificence and draw art in her honor.
Uh, what else to say... the voice acting is entertaining... the bosses suck compared to other installments... they used the SMG again even though the pistol and shotgun were much more fun to wield...

Interesting in theory, messy in execution. I was enjoying myself at the beginning, but after several runs, the tedium really grated on my nerves. Some floors are so frustrating that no amount of extra lives would help me, and if I don't have the membucks to return to the elevator, that means resetting all the way to the first of 30 floors.
I paid 85 fucking dollars for this. Unless Pikmin 4 gets DLC, I don’t want to give Nintendo another dime for a good while.

I basically forced myself to play this, due to the imminent release of Side Order.
The sheer audacity of Nintendo to charge full-price for what should have been more DLC for Splatoon 2, alongside the context of Animal Crossing New Horizons’ development, makes me hate this game on principle. And Side Order isn't even that good.

This has aged much, much better than I thought it would, after having not touched it for at least a decade.
Too bad it has one of the most obnoxious save prompts that I've ever seen.