The peak of Monster Hunter, the game doesn't need any one game gimmicks to be enjoyable, it's just dumb stupid fun with an intriguing story, if only it wasn't stuck on the 3DS, then it would be perfect.

Overrated, but still an enjoyable time, just wish people talked about the superior Hotel Mario more

I can finally live out my dream of being a gay farmer

He's a man, but he turns himself into a spider, funniest shit I've ever seen

one of my all time favorite games, the music, areas, combat and especially characters are all amazing, unfortunately this chapter lacks the greatest character in all of fiction so it gets one less point

One of if not the greatest gaming experiences of our entire time as a race making video games.

At first the game makes you think that your internet is out, but then, if you click, press space or the up arrow, the game begins.

It's a very simple game, but the storytelling and twists alone make this the greatest game I've ever played.

I recommend this for anyone who likes video games.

If you enjoy spending money on video games this is the perfect game for you, as someone who doesn't have money, this game was great for me.

If you enjoy not having friends, this is the perfect game for you, as someone who does not have friends, this game is amazing.