Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 18, 2020

First played

December 5, 2020

Platforms Played


Children of Morta beautifully intertwines the play, die, upgrade, play loop of a rougue-lite with some terrific storytelling in between. I found all the characters in the family and their dynamic compelling and I was as eager to have another run at a location as I was to see how the story progressed.

I prefer ranged characters - given the choice, I'm always the archer - so I was glad to see some ranged options with the family. But I really disliked the system that forced you to pivot away from your chosen character due to the infection system. Forcing me to play another character I did not enjoy as much got very frustrating. Eventually I would just start a few runs and quit them to get back to my main. Not a good system.

Otherwise, the game could have used some better bosses - the final one in particular - as well as some more variety. But otherwise, I found this game compelling and addictive and enjoyed my time with it.