Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 20, 2020

First played

October 1, 2020

Platforms Played



This was my second Zelda game, after the Link's Awakening remake on Switch, but in a way I've been playing it for years, so massive it this game's influence. The bow, the bombs, the pieces of heart, the dungeons - I've played countless games massively influenced or straight up playing homage to OG Zelda. It was nice to finally play the one that started it all.

It's clear to see what massive leap for adventure / action-RPGs this was. At the time, it was packed with new ideas and a huge scale, and retains the intuitive gameplay, steep challenge, ludicrous numbers of secrets and supremely well designed overworld and dungeons. OG Zelda is STILL better designed than many of the knock-offs I've played.

Still, frustrations abound in some cheap enemies, opaque puzzles, respawning enemies and controls that are never quire as quick as i'd like them to be. Mostly things I suspect are greatly refined in later entries, going by my experience with Link's Awakening. I had a lot of fun learning the references and roots of this genre I've loved for so long.

Played the first quest to completion on NES Classic.