Doom 1993

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 31, 2020

Platforms Played


It's almost indescribable what Doom did for the industry and future generations of video games. It may not have been the first FPS game, but it's undeniable as the most influential. So many aspects of this game would inspire countless creators, including artists and game developers.

It's also modded and morphed more than pretty much any other game out there, with people still lovingly designing stages and mechanics for Doom to this day! I think it helps that the game itself is STILL awesome. Paired with very simple gameplay, it's responsive and has great feedback with every action you perform (varies among versions, but I'm mainly talking PC and any modern official port). It's about getting lost in these hellish halls as it is blasting demons in the face, all wrapped in exquisite sound design and kickass music!

Yeah, not really saying anything new here. And I probably never will. I just love Doom.