Overwatch 2016

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 20, 2020

First played

May 24, 2016

Platforms Played


I put this down when I realized the only moment I had fun--and not dripping with sweat from anxiety or full of anger--was when that game-ending "VICTORY!" graphic hits the screen.

There's design here and there that's admirable, they make it feel good to movey and shooty as far as this lightly skilled FPS player can tell. But ultimately, the structure of its competitive aspect is not for me. Most aren't. So I uninstalled it during lockdown because, even with friends, I was just not having fun at all. Then the Blizzard fallout happened, and I was like "Hey what an easy boycott, avoiding Blizzard and Activision is easier than ever now!"

There's no real ethical consumption under capitalism, but hey this is the least I could do. Never playing 2 either.