Rock Band 2007

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 1, 2008

Platforms Played


This game is 1000% a "Just had to be there" kind of experience. And damn was I FUCKING THERE. I got that big fat band bundle for Christmas back in 2007 and it blew my goddamn mind as a fan of rhythm games and Guitar Hero.

Harmonix shook the world with this game--rightfully so as the original creators of Guitar Hero. They made learning about music and hitting notes in rhythm more fun than ever before, now being able to do so with 3 other friends at the same time! Not only did they expand the scope of Western rhythm gaming, but also DLC with their weekly releases! I know it sounds exorbitant, but I always liked looking up their weekly DLC drops and learning about new bands along the way. This even convinced publications that it would be the new way to sell music!

The visual style was also perfect for the game where you get to pretend you're in a rocking band. Customized characters playing along with you in the virtual world, as they're shown off through a candid cam style like a DVD release of your live album!

These days, a lot of people probably don't find this game that special, but what it set for the entire genre would change it forever. And I still have fond memories of wailing on these plastic instruments with friends until the break of dawn.