It's a medicore Mario themed sports game.

Another primitive space shooter. It's no Crimson Clover or Ikaruga.

Hard in an unfair way. Imagine getting to the end as a kid and being told that you have to do it all over again.

The writing is funny but the combat is painfully dull. The permanent missables are frustrating.

A frustrating puzzle game with bad controls and a million hazards. The prequel is better.

Boring. Gets old quickly. Doesn't work with my Xbox Series controller.

How does this run so poorly when there are no soldiers on screen?

An underwhelming twin-stick shooter. I'm not a fan of the art style.

It seems more approachable than the other RTS games I tried. I'll try the new remaster.

The combat system is abysmal. I'll wait for the remake. The storytelling seemed solid.

I wish the combat was improved or removed entirely. The exploration and puzzle solving parts are better. Grid-based 3D movement feels bad.