Narrative storytelling done at the highest level. Sometimes it feels like a film, but it's always unmistakenly a videogame. And one of the best at that.

The perfect shooter. Infinite replay value, each and every couple of years.

There's a small sliver of time where shooters did something transcendental. From Aliens Versus Predator 2, to the mainline 007 entries. There's a magic to them that is hard to capture, and this was one of the best.


I wish the games that were inspired by Day Z were at least better than Day Z.


This remake plays how you remember the original. It's like nostalgia magic.

Venom by Eminem plays in the background.

The story for this game feels like a drunken night out. Upon reflection, none of the beats made any sense, you're not sure how it even finished, but you get a strong sensation that you felt something real. Checking your bank statement, you also spent all of your money on Fulton balloons. What a wild ride.


I'm sorry Michael, it was I who killed your horse (when you were offline). I buried the bones under our house, cooked the meat and ate the evidence. This is my confession.

A game that's elevated by its community (and multiplayer experience). Without either, it would be utterly forgetful.

Best not to compare this to its predecessor, albeit near impossible not to. Fun squad-based combat, missing the scale and spectacle of the first.

You never forget your first. But after 100+ games, it all becomes a sticky blood-web of loading times and poor matchmaking.

It's all well and good to be a game that inspires generations of subsequent games, but it's another thing entirely to still be a riot to play some 20 years later.

FPS power fantasy for anyone who enjoys the idea of killing Nazis. Perfect for boomer-shooter fans, or anyone who writes in games media.

Aliens fans rejoice, but just don't compare too heavily to the inspiration. If I were a teacher grading homework, I might have to change the score the minute I reach little XCOM.