Enjoyed thoroughly, only by a personal hiatus of rinse and repeat previous entries.

Preferred the on-rails experience of previous Souls titles, the difficulty could be easily overcome by forging a new path. The rewarding open-world setting, creative bosses and attention to detail made for the most polished Souls experience yet.

There was another option besides stealth?

The poster tells you everything you need to know.

Aliens fans rejoice, but just don't compare too heavily to the inspiration. If I were a teacher grading homework, I might have to change the score the minute I reach little XCOM.


I'm sorry Michael, it was I who killed your horse (when you were offline). I buried the bones under our house, cooked the meat and ate the evidence. This is my confession.

It's a shame this game was the first game to make me realize the fun of playing an MMORPG. Socializing whilst grinding is the backbone of these games, shame there was nothing really to do in the end.

A near-perfect game. A dangerous hover over the 'install' button in your library.

Still can't get into it. Someone help me, I keep getting overwhelmed by my inventory, years between re-installs

I am just plain bad at this game. My review is objectively correct. Plant deez B

FPS power fantasy for anyone who enjoys the idea of killing Nazis. Perfect for boomer-shooter fans, or anyone who writes in games media.

You never forget your first. But after 100+ games, it all becomes a sticky blood-web of loading times and poor matchmaking.

The story for this game feels like a drunken night out. Upon reflection, none of the beats made any sense, you're not sure how it even finished, but you get a strong sensation that you felt something real. Checking your bank statement, you also spent all of your money on Fulton balloons. What a wild ride.


I started playing Overwatch late, when everyone tells me the game has gone to shit, the devs are all crooks, just as we've cracked our 30th game for the week.