I loathed this game upon release. But much like a hairworm in the skull of it's zombified host, you just gotta let it take over and then all of the colour just starts spilling in.

Something about this game just didn't feel right. Some people say it's the limited dialogue options, others say it's just getting older, I've already forgotten because I was not at all immersed.

Starfield is like scratching an itch that only gets itchier the more you scratch.

The best Bethesda games drain your time without you knowing, the rest of them make you painfully aware that one day you are going to die.

Still can't get into it. Someone help me, I keep getting overwhelmed by my inventory, years between re-installs

A game that's as fun to play, as it is to remember.

I am just plain bad at this game. My review is objectively correct. Plant deez B

I didn't use summons, and I beat the hardest boss in the Souls franchise. Now please let me hang out in the big-boys club, please!

It's all well and good to be a game that inspires generations of subsequent games, but it's another thing entirely to still be a riot to play some 20 years later.

FPS power fantasy for anyone who enjoys the idea of killing Nazis. Perfect for boomer-shooter fans, or anyone who writes in games media.

Best not to compare this to its predecessor, albeit near impossible not to. Fun squad-based combat, missing the scale and spectacle of the first.

A game that's elevated by its community (and multiplayer experience). Without either, it would be utterly forgetful.

Venom by Eminem plays in the background.

This remake plays how you remember the original. It's like nostalgia magic.


I wish the games that were inspired by Day Z were at least better than Day Z.


Doom 2016 showed the world there was a place for boomer-shooters in the modern era. And the best was yet to come.