this game is "shit shitting shit". at it's best. if you consider it as a whole it's even worse.
a poor excuse of a game made in 5 minutes without any kind of idea, talent or else. not even an easy/obtainable platinum so... why?
i got it for shits and giggles just because the title roghly translates in italian "d!ck, demon hunter"

Nice, bit cursed but still nice

all graphics and art design but nothing else.
visuals are great but the game is boring, half baked and full of nonsense both in puzzles and in its story as a whole

stupid, makes fun of religion, politics, vegans, no vax, influencers etc. but still the only real issue is the difficulty and duration. too easy and too short!

Behind poor gameplay and level design there's actually a nice story.
Cryptic, strange and open to many interpretations. I usually don't like when games go for this type of "understand whatever you want" type of narration but this is good.
But for the love of god play it without the vr. This gave me some of the worst motion sickness I've ever experienced

Really no reason for it to be this good. Made by Teyon, the same team behind the infamous Rambo videogame from 2013, kinda tie-in of a famous (dead) movie series and AA title. the recepit for disaster. but this is very very good. fun shooting with a lot of gore and destructable environment and good visuals (excluding the characters models that are... low budget indeed)

30 mintues cutscene. 5 seconds play. 2 minutes cutscene into another 3 minutes cutscene.
you fight 3 wolves. cutscene.
you enter a temple. cutscene.
you pickup something in the same room in like 2 seconds. cutscene.

can i f*cking play this game?

little cute point and click adventure made by an ucranian team.
we're BlueCan and we live in the cardboard box town with our best friend, a tin-dog named Rusty. After a sudden earthquake Rusty falls off the balcony and we need to find him.

classic point and click adventure with a lot of puzzles that requires fantasy and lateral thinking to be solved (or brute force)

very nice, very cute, very short (max 2 hours)

Huge missed opportunity. Visuals and sound design are on point but gameplay structure and soundtrack are just straight up terrible.
You must pick up oxigen LITERALLY every 15 to 45 seconds. Tasks are always the same thing over and over and over again and playing without music hearing only protagonist's heavy breath and silence is much better than every OST the devs have implemented

Just a small masterpiece.
2001 space Odyssey seen by the "eyes" the the AI

Stupid little sandbox with a little bit of rhythm game mechanics.
too bad it's not stupid enough to be a fun stupid game, not sandbox enough to be a fun sandbox game and the rhythm game part just doesn't work.

this thing is useless

Stylish comic book like 2.5D action.
Intriguing story about a not so far distopia future where anyone is monitored by the government and given social credit based on their actions.

Gameplay is basic but it works fine.

Graphically... Pretty poor but the black and white aesthetic helps covering some low quality characters and textures

nice little title composed by three stories about love and couple life. cute but kinda too semplicistic and "oriental"

this... this is a strange one. they uploaded the game changing it completely. this is probably the sequel to standard "gene rain" and it has been distributed as an update that completely overwrites the original. they managed to make everything worse.
no weapons updates, no variety, terrible use of "next gen graphics" that constantly leads to motion sickness.
but hey! it's a chinese gears of war

you love virtua racing? you'll love this one.
you don't? stay away
you don't even know what i'm talking about? well this is a super arcade racing game, one of those easy to pickup but hard to master at higher difficulties. it's simple, it's fast, it's "old" but not gold