Nice one but sometimes a bit too confusing

Nice concept but some of the objects are just purposely hidden in stupid ways to prevent you from finding them


good idea poorly executed.
game wants to be fast paced roguelite fps but instead is just sloppy and not fun

Beautiful, just one of the best walking sim/narrative game I've played in recent years

Best worst game I've ever played. God tier material in every scene

it's ok. played on console the speed of the selecting arrow is stupidly high and makes pointing at things difficult from time to time

An horror story that will unsettle you without any jumpscare or similar. just through texts and audios. incredible

Stupid little sandbox with a little bit of rhythm game mechanics.
too bad it's not stupid enough to be a fun stupid game, not sandbox enough to be a fun sandbox game and the rhythm game part just doesn't work.

this thing is useless

Just a small masterpiece.
2001 space Odyssey seen by the "eyes" the the AI

Huge missed opportunity. Visuals and sound design are on point but gameplay structure and soundtrack are just straight up terrible.
You must pick up oxigen LITERALLY every 15 to 45 seconds. Tasks are always the same thing over and over and over again and playing without music hearing only protagonist's heavy breath and silence is much better than every OST the devs have implemented

little cute point and click adventure made by an ucranian team.
we're BlueCan and we live in the cardboard box town with our best friend, a tin-dog named Rusty. After a sudden earthquake Rusty falls off the balcony and we need to find him.

classic point and click adventure with a lot of puzzles that requires fantasy and lateral thinking to be solved (or brute force)

very nice, very cute, very short (max 2 hours)

30 mintues cutscene. 5 seconds play. 2 minutes cutscene into another 3 minutes cutscene.
you fight 3 wolves. cutscene.
you enter a temple. cutscene.
you pickup something in the same room in like 2 seconds. cutscene.

can i f*cking play this game?

Really no reason for it to be this good. Made by Teyon, the same team behind the infamous Rambo videogame from 2013, kinda tie-in of a famous (dead) movie series and AA title. the recepit for disaster. but this is very very good. fun shooting with a lot of gore and destructable environment and good visuals (excluding the characters models that are... low budget indeed)

Behind poor gameplay and level design there's actually a nice story.
Cryptic, strange and open to many interpretations. I usually don't like when games go for this type of "understand whatever you want" type of narration but this is good.
But for the love of god play it without the vr. This gave me some of the worst motion sickness I've ever experienced

Kinda a little nightmares set into Norse folklore. Very creepy and nice. The only downside is the very last part of the game with the latest bossfights that last a little bit too long of what they should have and make you realize how clunky the protagonist moves