Feel like I've played enough at this point to give a thought or 2 on it. It's sweaty as fuck currently but overall a pretty decent base for an FPS game, certainly better than pretty much every Call of Duty since WW2 at the very least. It's definitely not without issues though, the netcode and hit-reg being the main ones for me. The amount of times I die seemingly around corners is pretty ridiculous and desperately needs fixing. Will see where it goes from here I suppose!

Story-wise, does this live up to the first game? Personally no but the actual gameplay is such a step forward that I'm not sure I'll ever want to go back to the original anyways!

No real significant changes to the game from FM22 besides some licensing which while admittedly great, isn't great for replayability.

A game I simply will never be able to compete on + I have spent stupid money and STILL not gotten a knife. I hate you Valve

My first F1 as I was properly getting into watching it. It's by no means perfect but the introduction of My Team was a LOT of fun and helped give the game a good amount of replayability

Worse rating because I was worse at the game

My one and only time playing an FM touch game

While not my first FM game, this was definitely when the addiction peaked

Probably blinded by nostalgia but I do not care, this game was amazingly fun

Not quite as peak as its counterpart and pretty short overall but i still enjoyed!

Loved this game so much I even rebought it for PC when i finally got one just so I could play zombies some more

The game is either great fun or plain terrible