90 reviews liked by GlitchPirate

My favorite racing game, its got everything that I want from it: nice track and car variety, charming visuals that make it a joy to go through the races, amazing soundtrack and great modding support.

The community is still very much alive and there's a community maintained port of the game called RVGL which is definitely the best way to play, it enables better hardware compatibility, expands modding capability and improves multiplayer. Either way this game is worth playing through any of the PC releases, be it the original from 1999 one or the new patched release.

Playing this game when you can barely read is a great and incredible experience. Loved driving around for hours doing the free race mode (did it have one or did a I imagine that.) Finding all the secret paths and trying to get there was a blast

what's there is fun, but totally lacking in replayability and content. absolutely did NOT match the quality of storytelling or spectacle that Octo Expansion had. difficult to feel invested in a story where basically nothing happens (love the pearlina fanservice though)

i beat it on my second run… i looove dedf1sh but i wish they did more? the story was kind of lacking, especially compared to octo expansion, which probably set my hopes too high

Unfortunately boring a lot of the time. I still enjoy this game with my girlfriend a lot.

I've tried getting into this game like 4 different times in the last 5 years but always find it a bit repetitive after a bit and lose interest. I think I may just have to accept that I am simply not zen enough for this game. When I try again in like 2 years It'll finally click, though, just you watch

Forget all the other MMOs, GW2 is the best experience by far.

This is my most played game i play it since 2013 on and off but every time i start playing again it takes me back fully and gets me hooked for months. This is maybe the most fair MMO that exists you can buy everything with in-game gold and also you don’t have to pay monthly like soo many other MMO’s do it so if you have never tried it i can only recommend it especially because new players can catch up very easily

Best MMORPG out there. To be honest, I couldn't get into GW2 in the beginning despite being a huge fan of GW1. But after all these years, I gave it another try and the game was actually really good. Worth a play.

To put it simply A Hat in Time is one of my favourite 3D platformers of all time. From the beginning to the end it knows what style it's going for and never strays from it. The level design never becomes dull due to the fact (especially in the later parts of the game) as it designed around the multiple hats and wants you to mix and match the on the fly. This game has never left me bored in the multiple times I have 100%ed this game and is the one game I would recommend to every fan of the 3D platformer genre.