Probably one of the best game soundtracks I've ever heard. Combined with Arkane's solid core gameplay and level design, this is a must play.

It was like shitty Animal Crossing.

It's not great, but I still think it is kinda underrated.

Man this game would be so good if it didn't control like shit.

The vibes are immaculate but the gameplay has not aged gracefully.

Mon amour. I played this game so much as a kid.

I was called so many obscene things over Xbox Live voice chat to this game. I spent countless hours building in forge world on this game. I made so many online friends through matchmaking lobbies on this game. This game shaped who I am as a person.

I fucking love this game.

Probably the worst game Naughty Dog ever made. The story is still pretty good, but doesn't even come close to the later games in the series.

I found myself disappointed with this one. Maybe I'm the problems as people love this game, but not much about this experience I found noteworthy.

It is undeniably fun, but a huge disappointment when compared to New Vegas

Despite the horrendously cringeworthy dialogue, this game has a soft spot in my part. Honestly, part of why I love it is the corny ass dialogue. It certainly has a charm to it that most games could only dream to achieve.

A game that was once much better, but ultimately ruined by constant and often unnecessary changes to the meta. I miss 2016 Overwatch. :(