I just did not like this one. The way they are just drip feeding missing content with updates I don't really like. I also don't like how limited you are at the start. All you can do for the first week is basically chop trees, catch bugs, and fish. The lack of unique dialogue doesn't help at all either. I might not like this game because I'm not that creative though.

I only did the Golden Deer Path but I was satisfied with the amount of content.

I actually really liked this one. Story is pretty epic for an RPG and the combat is classic yet modern somehow. Would recommend.

Game of the Century. All the DLCS are soooo goood

The games fun really depends on what you chose to play. I played about 5 hours of it so far by just playing a series of games, Detective Pig. You should go check it out, its pretty clever.

I did not play this game at launch so I don't know how it was on release but two years after I can say, this game is awesome.

One of the reasons I got a PS4. This game isn't "life changing" but its damn close.

Great remake but I only played the first game out of the three and let me just say...

The first game sucks major ass, how do people like it.

Pretty awesome co-op game. Make sure to play the game with someone close like a friend or family member.

This game is amazing.

ARR - Story is alright but gameplay is boring
HW - Story is good but gameplay is still a little boring
SB - Story is great and gameplay and side content is excellent
ShB - Story is excellent and gameplay is great

Abandoned because my emulator crashed and I just watched a playhtrough of the rest. Incredible game though.