Log Status






Time Played

72h 45m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 28, 2022

First played

March 9, 2022

Platforms Played


This game is both a great follow-up to the first game, and an awesome modern Atelier. Hell, it's probably one of the best of the series, period.

The game looks incredible (the character models especially). The only complaint I'd have in this department is that I feel there is less Event Art than in Sophie, and previous Atelier games I've played. I wish there was more.

The world this game takes place in was really cool. It was both a smart idea, using it to make the game fit nearly in the timeline of the Mysterious saga (Probably, I haven't played Fyris or Lydie/Suelle yet). The weather system is really creative, and part of me wishes it would be possible in future titles. The interconnected world is fun to explore and complete objectives in. ...Mostly. Near the end of the game, I got tired of trying to remember what way to traverse the map in order to get to a specific spot, since changing the weather can change what paths are open and closed.

Alchemy is the most fun as it's ever been. The puzzle alchemy is so much fun to try and make happen. I've spent hours just tetris-ing the best configurations of some items to get certain traits. It's so much fun.

This game probably contains my favorite Atelier battle system, too. I love the ability to include your entire party in battles directly, it's a really smart system. And I love when these games allow you to use items with non-alchemist party members, too.

And the story... Kind of one the weaker side as far as Atelier games go. This world's logic is kind of wishy-washy sometimes, and the ability to magically solve an issue with alchemy kind of goes beyond the realm of believability sometimes. I'm not a huge fan of the main antagonist, either. They are pretty infuriating at times.

Gripes aside, I'd like to once again reiterate this is one of the best Atelier games made to date. You could probably play it without having played Sophie 1 (though it is probably way more rewarding to do so), but if you don't, there's a catchup option on the main menu. Not that there's a lot to catch up on, since the first game's story is so basic. Anyway, if you're interested, definitely check this game out!