Superman should've fought the Duck Vigilante instead of Batman. Batman is considered “Worlds Greatest Detective” and just ignore the fact that Clam Man single handedly took down an entire underground empire. Move over Batman, and give Clam Man your tool belt.

"No we have Left 4 Dead at home"

Still better than the new crap Battlefield releases. Servers that ban certain guns are squares.

I should've just booted up Newgrounds and played flash games.

Fun for a total of two minutes.

Yup, fanbase is still toxic. LETS GOOOOOOOOO!

I learned new swears from playing the multiplayer.

I am romancing everyone I can. When do I get the augments that turn me into Dr. Octopus? Getting around the city would be so much easier with those arms.

The two gargoyles still appear in my nightmares.

FAAANTASTIC! Instead of saving people, I just take photos of them fighting for their lives against zombies. These photos will look great on my blog.

I've played worse zombie games cough Back 4 Blood cough.

Crazy all these freak accidents are just happening all in the same place. Oh well probably nothing.