By the time I picked this up, I was deep into Marvel fatigue, so I just put it off. I shouldn’t have, as it genuinely made me smile. Miles has always been a favourite since reading the Ultimate Comics when I was younger, and he just shines in this. Let’s get the most important thing out of the way: gameplay. Holy cow! Is it insanely pleasurable to swing through New York in the snow, It’s so finely tuned that that’s all I wanted to do! Same as the combat, when you get those combos and perfect moments right, it’s just beautiful, and the finishers just top it, as Miles dives in the air and begins to glow yellow, following that up with a hurling a rocket back at the enemy and then zipping across the room and disappearing.

The story was surprisingly good; I enjoyed that it was focused in Harlem and on a close-knit community just trying to survive corporate greed, which I bet some native New Yorkers actually experience! Miles has to find his feet as Spider-Man, step out of Peter's shadow, and overcome his grief. Miles is a character stuck in an identity crisis; he doesn’t know where he stands, and throughout the short game, it’s pleasing to see Miles understand that with great power does come great responsibility.

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2022
