The worldbuilding is good but god if they have a VERY LONG glossary, you need to know every single invented word to follow the story, too much for me.

Vote: 5
Time used to learn new words: 3 H 2 M

Fine meta-horror game, nothing too distinctive but a nice experience.

Vote : 7
Time i was scared: 2 H 1 M

Short visual novel, the idea of geocaching is really good, i love the art style but the plot is meh, they could do better but for 4-5 hours i guess it's fine

Vote : 6
Time looped : 3 H 59 M

Just 1 word: Dry.

Vote: 4
Time away: 0 H 36 M

Short fun and chaotic, nothing too exiting

Vote: 5
Time in battle: 29 H 1 M

Short visual novel, it should be an horror game but it's really flat, the characters too and they are not likable, i just read the entire of the visual novel and said "Ok" and moved on to the next VN.

Vote: 6
Time with Saya : 4 H 5 M

Cute Co-op game, i love the variety of the gameplay, the bosses are really funny. I played it takes two with my girlfriend and we laughed at a couple of jokes but i didn't like the whole idea of "You need to work together for the sake of your baby" the story is a bit cringe and i really didn't like the part where the male MC had to give up his hobby just because his wife didn't support him, i mean it's your hobby not hers so why did you give up? I liked the book as a character. i repeat that the gameplay is really fun, variegated and the graphics are amazing.

Vote : 8
Time used to kill each other on purpose : 17 H 13 M

The mystery is a minor tag since every route is just "Oh let's watch the H scene with X Girl and drop the mistery " the atmosphere is good tho, but that's about it. Half of the routes are useless.

Vote: 6
Time passed in Ueno : 13 H 37 M

Story and characters are really good but the performance were terrible. Lots of bugs and clipping, poligonal rats and animals and i prefer a stealth approach like the 1st game rather than a "run into the enemy and kill them".

Vote : 5
Time wasted enduring Hugo: 3 H 35 M Dropped.

Lovable short vn, has a really high quality writing for a FREE visual novel. The music is so good that i downloaded a pair of OSTs for my personal collection. A seemingly simple game with really good characters and unexpected twists.

Vote: 8
Time in psychiatry : 4 H 34 M

Used a mod to play in Co-op, cute & chill game to play together, in singleplayer the experience might be a little different but still enjoyable. We completed the game at 100%.

Vote : 7
Time used to pamper slimes: 24 H 50 M


Charming graphics with surreal landscapes. An introspective trip about the hardship of facing the loss of a loved one.


Vote : 6
Time used to buy milk: 15 M

fine experience for a very short VN, not worth mentioning tho

Vote : 7
Time that the milk was outside the fridge: