Short fun and chaotic, nothing too exiting

Vote: 5
Time in battle: 29 H 1 M

Just 1 word: Dry.

Vote: 4
Time away: 0 H 36 M

Short visual novel, the idea of geocaching is really good, i love the art style but the plot is meh, they could do better but for 4-5 hours i guess it's fine

Vote : 6
Time looped : 3 H 59 M

Fine meta-horror game, nothing too distinctive but a nice experience.

Vote : 7
Time i was scared: 2 H 1 M

The worldbuilding is good but god if they have a VERY LONG glossary, you need to know every single invented word to follow the story, too much for me.

Vote: 5
Time used to learn new words: 3 H 2 M

The CGs are good but that's it.

Vote : 4
Time passed watching girls in swimsuits: 2 H 11 M

The characters have potentials but the pacing is very very slow, slower than FC. The school setting is meh, i prefer a bracer/detective one.
The story is non-existent in the first chapters, but after that it gets good with an ending that opens A LOT of questions for the next 3 games.

Vote: 6
Time passed studying : 72 H 52 M

Very good graphics and some comfort gameplay, but the story was very very undeveloped and weak, 2 routes are literally the same minus/plus 1 single usless dialogue.

Vote: 5
Time in the woods: 2 H 12 M

Boring, tedious and the narration is really really really really dry and soulless, the characters are stones. Yeah maybe the mistery is good but you have to put up with the terrible narration and the characters conveniently put there to advance the story.

Vote 4
Time trapped : 3 H 10 M Dropped


Short visual novel, around 10~ hours.
Uhh i don't know what to say about Eden*, the characters are kinda bland, i didn't like 1 single character and i played the 18+ so i've seen everything, the story is ok i guess even if i didn't like the ending. I love the "dynamic movement" they used in the visuals but that's all, not worth it.

Vote: 6
Time alone with a waifu: 5 H 57 M

Short visual novel, 5-6 hours, the artstyle is ok but nothing spectacular, some backgrounds are recycled from "Lucy the eternity she wished for" but at this point i don't know if it's some kind of common asset or if they just traced it.
The story is slow at the start but with some patience the story turns up interesting, regarding the music i don't remember a single track so it isn't really memorable.
This VN gives a cozy vibe perfect to match with a cup of tea or hot chocolate.
I'd say that playing this VN in winter is a lot better than playing it in the other seasons (Yeah i know it does sound strange but trust me).

Vote: 7
Time under my blanket: 5 H 13 M

May you find your book in this place.

Vote: 10
Time used to help the library: 88 H 17 M

No matter where you go, everyone’s connected.


Vote: 10
Time CONNECTED: 8 H 47 M

One of the best RPG Maker horror games I've ever played.
I LOVE this game.
The music is professional, not a level you expect in a indie game. Regarding the puzzles they are arguably some of best i've ever seen in an RPG Maker, the story is a masterpiece, i can't describe it with human words or without spoilers.
The atmosphere is 10/10, each area has it's own theme and each character you encounter in your journey is really interesting and gives you a piece of the puzzle to solve the story. The pumpkings you enocounter are really cute.
Why are you still reading this review? PLAY POCKET MIRROR for your own good.

Vote: 10
Time passed watching myself on a pocket mirror: 18 H 11 M

I love the style of this visual novel, i love the quick choices the player has to do, it gives you this feel of urgency that let you immerse into the story. The characters are really really good, i loved everyone and the flow of the story is really good, i don't even know how a visual novel of 3-4 hours can convene that much of the characters and story. I don't even remember how i found A Light In The Dark, maybe on some list on steam or whatever but this is a rare pearl in the ocean.

Vote : 9
Time held captive: 3 H 8 M