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Time Played

67h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 26, 2023

Library Ownership


To this day, Final Fantasy VII remains being a blueprint for a brilliant plot, an excellently written protagonist, antagonist and even sidekicks and minor antagonists. I would love to give examples of how great the character development is for each party member, even the optional ones, but I don’t want to spoil it for people who still have or want to play this game someday.

Every time I replay FF7, I realize even more how many fantastic games and franchises it influenced. Literally one of my favorite game series, Trails/Kiseki, is inspired by it. Its Quartz system is without a doubt a deviating and further developed Materia system.

Not to mention its memorable soundtrack. The Prelude, Jenova’s theme, Aerith’s theme, Tifa’s theme and of course, Cosmo Canyon and One-Winged Angel. Many of them are so good, even people who never played this game immediately recognize Sephiroth’s unique theme within the first three tunes (Sephiroth for Smash reactions prove that very well).

All in all, a lot better than I remembered and now, one of my all time favorite games, especially because I took my time to learn all the mechanics and because I almost platinumed the game. Almost, because there’s that superboss, Ruby Weapon. This superboss has a really annoying glitch. Defeating it took me about 40 minutes, but I couldn’t leave the fight into the victory screen and as I’ve learned, it’s a very common glitch. That was very frustrating, so I delay getting the platinum to another time.

Other than that, I had a perfect experience. And with that, Final Fantasy VII became my favorite entry in the series.