I was under the impression that this game was the best of the trilogy, but it feels pretty underwhelming compared to Ever17. The game only felt interesting in the beginning and the last half of the Satoru route, the rest is extremely slow. I would rather have a classic structure of multiple paths and a true ending instead of this mess.
Many questions are left unanswered and in general many plotpoints are unrealistic or have no explanation. Like, why make a psychiatric facility in the middle of nowhere with capacity for only 4 people? I was just thinking over and over again "can't wait to see why X happens" and then the game completely ignores the fact that X doesn't make sense.
Overall pretty mid, but was funny to realise this game probably inspired Kimi no Na wa (Your Name).

My favourite part was when you had to fight Majima

The card roguelike of all times

Oh, my N-word! Wassup homie, uh?

I had low expectations about this title coming from Never7, which were kinda confirmed at first. The first playthrough felt eternal, but I loved the (Sora) ending. After that, I really liked completing the other endings because of how they make you understand the characters and the whole picture.
Then, I went for the true ending, and man it felt slow, but once it gets started, it's trully a mindfuck. You think you know how the plot will end and then they throw you plotwist after plotwist after plotwist, until you are afraid to think that a human mind could actually create such a story. Kotaro Uchikoshi, you're a fucking genius.

Same exact mechanics as Stardew Valley but everyone is a Disney character and the graphics are 3D

Couldn't count how many times I killed Gary Coleman

For modern Pokémon standarts, is kinda original. It changes some fundamental mechanics in battling, capturing and EV training which is nice to see. I found the game loop fun and was really invested until I beat the game. Completing the pokedex is honestly ten times more boring than the rest of the game, so I just cheated it out to get straight to Arceus, which was a kinda cool fight but not even close to worth the hassle of capturing all pokemon. In general, the game has a lot of fanservice for people who played the original 4th gen games and I ate that shit up.
On the negative side, this is a Pokemon game, so graphics are extremely lazy, dialogues are really stupid or unnecessary 90% of the time and there are a ton of features that needed some tuning before release. Most of the plot doesn't make any sense BUT I really liked the "ghost tablet" fight and didn't expect that plotwist at all. But in general, another case of "I wish Game Freak had 300 more employes or developed this game in 2-3 years instead of rushing stuff and getting millions copies sold by doing the bare minimum... again"

Damn who would know this basketball throwing minigame had a sick horror game attached to it

A weird combination of metroidvania and soulslike that works nicely. Got really tilted at a certain section of Godless Shrine and quitted, but the game is overall pretty good.

The idea sounded cool, but I didn't like the execution at all. The roguelike elements are pretty much gone and there is no real sense of direction. The freedom of movement is nice, but I felt bored pretty quickly of stumbling upon puzzles where I needed an specific item which I didn't have. The game is rather short and if you enjoy it I feel like 100%-ing the game can be a good experience, but it's not for me.

A very polished visual novel with an original setting and artstyle. The use of multiple protagonists gives flavour to the plot, which is interesting and full of plotwists. The cherry on top are all the metanarrative elements, either appearing on some puzzles or the story itself, that really makes your head explode.

When you get to it, it is really a simple RPG. The dungeons and exploration are straightforward, the skills and weakness are simple, and you have a couple of minigames on top of it. However, it's one of those games where the whole is better than the sum of its parts, and boy is it better.
For starters, it really feels like a nostalgia trip, but in a good way. You get that vibe of exploration of a classic RPG (in my case, Pokemon Mistery Dungeon) in a fun and light package. The combat has some action like a Mario&Luigi game but the general strategy is not too complicated. Nothing feels too daunting or too boring and there is plenty of side stuff to do when you get to it. Also, the difficulty settings are really extensive so you can have a more challenging run if you want.
Now, the plot is really deceiving. Same as the Messenger, you think everything is going to be very simple and linear, you fulfill some big quest and that's it. But then it gets complicated, then more complicated, and then even more. The fact that a JRPG starts with such a chill vibe and then has these plotwists really turns the game for the better. In addition to this, I loved all the references to the Messenger (there are a lot), which made me like the plot even more.
My only nitpick was the ending, however, I just discovered there's a true ending which involves some sidequests that I plan to beat when they release the DLC because I'm too lazy and want to replay the game, so I can't say if it's good or not, but I trust it will.
Incredible game, incredible lore, would recommend.