Pretty good concept and really fun to play, although is a rather short game (4-5 hours aprox.)

Apart from a few mechanics and the final section of the game being kinda long, it's a pretty good Zelda game. I loved exploring the sky islands, some dungeons are really fun and the final boss is fantastic.

What you would expect from a crappy 90's JRPG. I only played it because I like the rest of the saga, but almost all mechanics are broken or boring and the story is pretty basic. Also, it is almost impossible to beat the game without a guide because it is really obtuse. I found it somehow fun at some points, but overall it's a game I'm glad I don't have to play anymore.

How ugly can be game textures? How bad written can be game dialogues? How obtuse and confusing can be game puzzles? These are the questions that this games answers.
A videogame so poorly executed in all possible senses that it is a masterpiece. It's the Morbius of videogames.

It's just like a regular game from the main series. The gimmicks introduced were cool, but pretty straightforward and often times didn't require much thought. Also, the trials are rather short and the overall story didn't catch my eye. Just a regular Ace Attorney game, still fun to play, but could be way better.

Pretty cool concept, the game starts simple but there are many interactions between cards and several classes to play. However, I feel like is one of those games you play once in a while, at least I couldn't put myself to play for longer than a hour after playing for a couple days.

Pretty fun Mario game. The mix between 2D level design and 3D gameplay is brilliantly done, but I think the Tanuki power-up makes some levels extremely easy.

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Explorers of Sky has always been my favourite Pokemon game and I had hope for this game, but it's kind of a letdown.
The plot is short and very simple (save the world with the power of friendship) and doesn't extend into the postgame apart from a quest. Also, half of the game is just doing secondary quests until you have to do something important.
I liked some of the new mechanics though, like the moves level or the new recruitment system, but that's really everything there's to it. Really sad to see such wasted potential.

The new plants and mechanics are interesting, but the level layout and Pay2Win system makes it pretty lame compared to its antecessor.

Worth the wait and the hype. Even in alpha, the game feels fresh, fun and interesting. All the new systems are very cool, specially the new combat system, and I love how the characters and some enemies from the previous game have "adapted" to this one.
I only disliked the lack of content and the new relationship system, but the game is in alpha so there's plenty of time to rebalancing and adding new stuff. Looking forward to the full release.


Pretty cool and fun game, but I would have liked a bit more of lore.

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Pretty unique and fun game. The lore and game systems are cool, although the P03 section was a bit long for me.