76 Reviews liked by GoombaOfHyrule

this game is gorgeous. it's no surprise that, shocker, one of the best games ever made is still one of the best games ever made, but the facelift is truly amazing and i'm absolutely positively floored that this is even a thing that exists.

there is really nothing quite like metroid prime. nothing captures the same feeling that this big, interconnected world has, nor does any player character have the same weighty, real feeling that samus does when she's walking, jumping or scanning something. there's nothing as unique as the way that retro decided to bring metroid to 3D via its methodical exploration and strategic combat variety. it's just a lightning in a bottle game, plain and simple.

the joy i feel when playing this is just unmatched. prime is one of the rare games in which my nostalgia for it is validated and reaffirmed whenever i switch it on again. even now, playing it for the billionth time, i still feel that awe and wonder when i discover a new goodie or a new room, despite the fact that i remember all of the secrets at this point. this is a special, special game.

anyways im counting as the first official trailer for prime 4