76 reviews liked by GoombaOfHyrule

Absurdo, viciante e estonteante.

Explorar Tallon IV é magnífico e gratificante, um mundo que se aproveita do máximo da tridimensionalidade para deixar a exploração ao mesmo tempo que única, nostálgica para os fãs de longa data da franquia, te recompensando a cada passo que você dá rumo ao desconhecido.

De quebrar paredes secretas a descobrir mistérios novos dentro desse universo e combater piratas espaciais, esse jogo não tem uma parte que não seja minimamente instigante ao jogador.

Em suma, como uma sinfonia dos elementos mais marcantes da franquia, um sistema de combate divertido e dinâmico e um mundo com moldes diferentes do habitual, Metroid Prime Remastered tem potencial para encantar a qualquer um que lhe der chance.

Really refreshing to return to after investing so much time in BotW. A 3D Zelda chock full of content and heart, with many improvements upon the original that make the experience so much smoother (faster text crawl, less text popups, more refined motion controls)

Ganhou a coroa de prata de segundo jogo que acabei mais vezes na minha vida.

that mario guy sure can jump! in many different ways, too!

Um dos maiores clássicos dos jogos

A delight, as per usual. This was my first real Zelda game after my first actual mainline game was BOTW. It was just a good time in all. Of course it has its flaws, but I definitely view this as the optimal way to play the game. I've heard that the Iron Boots in the N64 version is not an item, and you have to manually put it on in the inventory every single time you want to switch it. That must have sucked. I'm glad that they realized these problems and truly only improved upon the game. It's a certified hood classic for sure. Recommend it a bunch.

Simply one of the best games ever made in the history of the world... Impeccable game.

A perfect remaster. Does everything you'd want and the graphical overhaul looks very good. Seeing how good it all looks with HD Skins makes me hopeful that a Prime 2 and 3 Remaster will come out someday. Controls are also very smooth and if your new to this series, this is a great way to start out getting into it.

BEAUTIFUL, honestly my nostalgia brain remembered the gamecube one looking this good (it was good for its time). Loved exploring, music is sick, combat is meh sometimes (definitely the easiest bosses of any metroid game I've played). I think every robot/mech/super suit character needs a morph ball.

Like Super Mario World but with planet.

1 list liked by GoombaOfHyrule