76 Reviews liked by GoombaOfHyrule

My personal favorite game. Despite being portable, the sound and world design makes for great immersion, handling time and saves is easier than ever, the graphics look great when played on real hardware.. it's amazing. I'll die defending this port because the new changes that people dislike are often for sections that last 10 seconds, actually good or completely overblown.

IMO best Zelda game. The atmosphere and story are amazing, and the sidequests actually feel worth doing. Amazing message. Collecting the masks feels rewarding, and a lot of them look really cool. The time management mechanic is also so unique and fun to handle.

This game will never fail to blow my mind. It has been a part of my life since I was a kid and it will never get out of it. Everything is so memorable and amazing. I always have a blast coming back.


"The Legend of Zelda", lançado em 1986 para o Famicom e o NES, é considerado um dos primeiros jogos de aventura de mundo aberto.

O jogo conta a história de Link, um jovem herói com feições élficas, em sua saga para resgatar a princesa Zelda das garras do vilão Ganon, que roubou a Triforce do Poder. Para isso, ele precisa resgatar a Triforce da Sabedoria, que se encontra dividida em 8 fragmentos, cada um escondido em uma masmorra secreta.

Tendo jogado pela primeira vez quase 40 anos após seu lançamento (em um Nintendo Switch, em 2023), achei o jogo bem datado, com gráficos simples e sons muito repetitivos. Além disso, os controles são bem difíceis e o jogo não oferece quase instrução alguma, o que pode tornar toda a experiência bastante frustrante.

Confesso que abandonei antes mesmo da primeira masmorra e fui ao YouTube para assistir ao resto. Não me arrependi, foi ótimo acompanhar a aventura do Link sem perder tanto tempo com tentativas e erros infrutíferos.

Com certeza é um jogo que estava bem a frente dos outros jogos da época. Ao longo da jornada, são apresentados ao jogador diversos tipos de itens, equipamentos e criaturas, em um mapa bem extenso e cheio de segredos e coisas escondidas.

"The Legend of Zelda" é um clássico que vale pena apreciar pela sua importância histórica e influência em muitos jogos que seguiram, incluindo a série Zelda, que continua a ser uma das séries de videogames mais populares e bem sucedidas até hoje.


"The Legend of Zelda" was released in 1986 for the Famicom and the NES, and it is considered one of the first open-world adventure videogames.

The game tells the story of Link, a young elf-like hero in his saga to rescue princess Zelda from the clutches of evil Ganon, who had stolen the Triforce of Power. To do that, he needs to retrieve the Triforce of Wisdom, which is fragmented in 8 pieces that are hidden in secret dungeons.

Having played it only almost 40 years after its release (in a Nintendo Switch in 2023), I found it very dated, with simple graphics and very repetitive sounds. Besides, the controls are pretty hard and the game hardly offers any instructions, which can be very frustrating.

I abandoned it even before the first dungeon and went to YouTube to watch the rest. And I didn't regret it, it was great to see young Link's adventure without losing so much time with pointless trial and error.

It absolutely was way ahead of the other videogames of its time. Throughout the journey, the player finds several types of items, equipments and creatures, in a map that is large and full of secrets.

"The Legend of Zelda" is a classic that is worth to appreciate because of its historical importance and influence over many games that came later, including the Zelda series, which continues to be one of the most popular and successful videogame series to this day.

Earthbound é incrivelmente original tanto em visual quanto em mecânicas, os personagens são ótimos, o enredo é sofisticado e é muito psicodélico do jeito que eu gosto, os melhores aspectos desse jogo são as músicas e o boss final. Quem gosta de rpg é obrigatório isso aqui.

This was my first Pokemon game and as someone who had only played Pokemon Go and wasn't sure if I'd be into the mainline games I WAS HOOKED, as of writing this review I have 94 hours in the game and honestly I wish it was longer. I love Unova, even if it's extremely linear it was fun to explore for the first time and introduced some of my favourite Pokemon. (Also shoutout to my old friend who sold me this for $5 for drug money because the prices of this game on eBay are DISGUSTING)

A versão pela qual joguei Ocarina of Time pela primeira vez, apesar de não ser meu favorito, claramente está próximo disso

Mother 3 is absolutely lovely. It's witty, but also emotional. It's succinct, but says all it needs to say. Lots of games have made me laugh. This is the only one that's made me cry too.

This game is incredible and I cannot recommend it more. The gameplay is extremely fun with one of the best battle systems in any game I've ever played, the story is both emotional and interesting with lovable, memorable characters throughout, and the humour is hilarious. No other primarily text-based games have made me both laugh out loud and cry.

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It’s good

Un JRPG clásico con una premisa muy original y muy buena historia.

My favorite game of all time. I wish I could play it blind again.