May, 2024


9h 0m

Scored 230,986 points on the A-Type mode .

I don't know if it is because I haven't played for a few days or that I'm a bit tired, but I can't seem to get in the flow today except for one decent game.

Overall Progress
A-Type high score: 275,350
B-Type highest cleared: level 9-high 5


6h 52m

Made my way to the Hateno Village Research Lab, collected the Camera Rune and restored the Great Fairy Cotera.

I'm really enjoying exploring Hyrule again. There's just so many little things to find that you constantly feel like you're making progress, even during short play sessions. The characters are also very charming, helping you connect with the world they live in.

Traversing Hyrule and discovering various kinds of secrets is still as fun as ever. The main quest isn't that compelling yet, but I guess that kind of fits in with the structure of the game. After 100 years, what do a few more days matter in the grand scheme of things? Thankfully this doesn't hinder the fun in anyway.

Overall Progress
Completed 5 Main Quests
Completed 9 Side Quests
Completed 9 Shrines
Collected 46 Korok Seeds